Best Self Magazine

Meditation Extreme | Meditation Retreat In Thailand, Part 2

Extreme Meditation Retreat by Nancy Levin, photograph by Aurely Cerise
Photograph by Aurely Cerise

The X-Games of meditation: If it doesn’t break you, an extreme meditation retreat can create dramatic shifts in your life

I live part-time in Snowmass, Colorado — just up the hill from where the Winter X Games are held. Last November I embarked on my very own version of the X Games as I willingly walked into Wat Chom Thong, a monastery 60 km southwest of Chiang Mai, Thailand, for a 10-day Vipassana meditation silent retreat. Yep, this was Meditation Extreme, complete with endless commentary over the loud speakers (albeit Buddhist chanting), caffeine for stamina, plus Advil and plenty of water to relax and hydrate sore muscles.

Without any formal meditation practice under my belt, I dove into the deep end of the pool not knowing how to swim, nor even if I would stay afloat. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. In fact, I can assure you that if I had, there’s no way I would have signed up for

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