What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ

Nourish your body, not your cancer

Any integrative practitioner knows that nutritional supplements are worth their weight in gold. And harnessing the healing potential of these vitamins, minerals, herbs and nutrients is taking powerful medicine. When it comes to cancer—or most any health concern—there is no such thing as a magic pill or a single supplement that can eliminate the disease completely. But there are several cancer-fighting powerhouses worth mentioning.

Before you start any new regimen, I suggest you work with an integrative physician to ensure you get the precise supplements you need to fight your health battle. We welcome patients from all over the world at my clinic in Irvine, California. Visit cancercenterforhealing.com to learn more.

An excellent resource for finding a practitioner near you is acam.org. Look for the supplements in this article at your local reputable health food store or visit perfectlyhealthy.com to order. Now, let’s dive deeper into why you should consider adding anti-cancer nutritional supplements to your treatment plan.

Outsmarting cancer with supplements

Cancer is a tricky disease; as such, you need to attack it from multiple angles for the best chance at success. This is where nutritional supplements come in. Supplements have four primary purposes in cancer treatment:

1) to detoxify your body

2) to provide you with foundational nutrients

3) to balance and augment your immune system function

4) to target circulating tumor cells and/or stem cells

One imperative recommendation is that you not only use targeted anti-cancer supplements but change and rotate these supplements based on the type of cancer you have. Blood tests, ordered by your doctor, can help determine which supplements may help eliminate specific types of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and circulating stem cells (CSCs). Chemotherapy and radiation cannot kill these cells, so it is

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