Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens

the letterbox

Hello, Everyone!

I absolutely love your magazine; I’ve been getting it for four or five years now. I adore reading and am an incredibly fast reader. My absolute favorite book series is Harry Potter, but Percy Jackson and Keeper of the Lost Cities and The School for Good and Evil are pretty close. Midnight (November/December 2022), Team Foster-Keefe all the way! As an amazing sweatshirt that I want to get says: “Team Keefe: It’s all about The Hair.” I also love imagine-writing myself into books. I agree that it’s so satisfying. I’m also in Gryffindor. The Dark Rose (November/December 2022), I also collect stickers and witchy stuff. Sparkly or natural, I don’t care. Just give me something sweet and quirky, and I’ll keep it.

I love writing and poetry and am on Student Council at my school. I love cats but I don’t have any pets. When I grow up I’d like to be an actor, writer, or fashion designer, but since these are kind of “either you make a lot of money or you’re totes broke” jobs, I’ll probably do them as hobbies first.

Thank you, for connecting so many people around the world so we can all be kooky bookworms together. Keep doin’

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