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Poets & Writers3 min read
Dwell in Gratitude
IN 2004, I’d just published my debut story collection, The View From Stalin’s Head. The first week it was out, I visited countless New York City bookstores to see it on the shelves. At the Chelsea Barnes & Noble, I saw a stranger pick up my book in N
Poets & Writers3 min read
Write What You Want to Read
WHEN my fourth novel came out in 1989, one review was short and to the point: “This happens, then that happens, then this other thing happens. So what?” Bad reviews break a writer’s heart, but this one did something different. It stopped me cold. So
Poets & Writers2 min read
Small Rain
I still couldn’t read. But I could stare at a poem, a short poem, letting my eyes focus and relax, my attention come and go; and there was one poem in particular I stared at hour after hour, in the book I had asked L to bring to the hospital. It wasn
