New Zealand Woman’s Weekly


SUDOKU extra


Fill in the blank squares with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, each column and each 3 x 3 block contains all the numbers from 1 to 9.



When completed, the shaded letters will reveal a well-known personality (see mystery clue below).


27ac & 52dn

Famous children’s book author (6,4)


1 Vague idea or notion (7)5 Sad, glum (4)7 Kete (6)11 Comedian (5)15 Vain or pompous walk (5)16 Right to control or command (9)17 See upper-right photo (9)18 Large deer (3)19 Cowboy show (5)20 Cooking fuel (3)21 Short (5)23 Drainage channel (5)25 Scary (8)27 See Mystery Clue29 Punter (7)33 Thick cord (4)35 Board a ship (6)36 Trash, rubbish (5)38 Female big cat (7)40 Joint injury (6)

Farewell (5) Nudge, jostle (5) Demigod condemned to support the sky on his shoulders (5) Around, about (5) Root vegetable (5) Coniferous tree (5) Set on fire (6) Relating to the sense of touch (7) Sweet Japanese rice wine (5) Waste water (6) Brave person (4) In law, the presentation of a matter before a tribunal (7)Powerful (6) Shut off or separated from others (8) Citrus fruit (5) Serving implement (5)Space (3) Hair dye (5)Clothesline fastener (3)See lower-left photo (9)Pen (9) Bonnie’s partner in crime (5)

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