

In your book, you talk about ‘ultra-processed food’ (UPF). What’s that?

If it’s wrapped in plastic, and contains an additive you don’t have in your kitchen, it’s probably ultra-processed. That encompasses all supermarket bread, almost all breakfast cereals, all those nutrition bars, frozen pizzas, most ready meals. If it’s marketed at you, it’s probably ultra-processed.

Why focus on this, instead of sugar or salt or fat?

Obesity has one primary cause, which is the consumption and marketing of modern industrial food – or ultra-processed foods. That definition was written down in 2010, as a hypothesis, and it’s been tested really rigorously since then. I’d say the jury is now in on it being the primary cause of pandemic obesity. It’s very likely also the origin of diet-related disease, which is now the leading cause of early death for humans.

Why do you focus in particular on these foods in relation to children?

We know that children living with increased body weight suffer hugely in

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