Woman's Weekly

Seas of CHANGE

Later that evening, Charlotte was still fuming about the confrontation with Jack. How dare he speak to her like that when she had done her best to help him.

She stared out of the window of her room in the B&B, hoping the view of the tranquil sea and blue sky would help calm her.

Eventually, she decided to head to one of the local bars. Getting out would distract her from dwelling on Jack’s rudeness outside the gallery.

She opted for the nearest pub, just off the main street. It was quaint, with oak panelling and a large brick fireplace. Charlotte imagined how cosy it would be in the winter.

However, there was no need for extra warmth this evening. It was still at least 20 degrees outside.

She was waiting to be served when someone called to her from a table tucked away in a dimly lit corner. It took a second for her to realise that the man waving and smiling was Callum. Seeing his handsome face, she felt her heart skip a beat.

Quickly turning her attention back to the barman, she went to order a drink…

‘Let me get this…’ Callum was suddenly standing next to her. ‘I’d like to make up for earlier.’

Charlotte met his gaze and, once again, noticed the unusual sea-blue shade of his eyes.

‘Is that OK?’ grinned Callum.

She realised that both he and the barman were waiting for a response.

‘Er, thank you, I’ll have a small glass

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