Writing Magazine

A writer’s companion

Having completed our set-up of the Foundation of the Building Blocks of Creative Writing in the previous articles in this series, focusing on the importance of writing with courage, honesty, empathy, etc – Iwould like now to turn to an issue often spoken of in writing circles – the isolating nature of the life of a writer.

The writer’s life can feel lonely and, yes, it can feel isolating. It can feel – and to a degree must – be all consuming. And in the pursuit of words the writer can easily become untethered. Untethered from daily life and relationships, even untethered from their own writing, drifting helpless in a torrent of self-doubt and self-imposed recrimination. Most pernicious of all, the writer can become untethered from themselves. In this article I propose a companion – aWriter’s Companion. The Writer’s Companion could be seen as the rock to which the

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