African Hunting Gazette

The Talla Des Man-eater Resurfaces

At first a sport hunter, like his more conventional contemporaries, Corbett became less inclined to hunt for the sake of it and focussed on accepting the task of shooting maneating tigers and leopards when others had failed to do so. In doing so and later recording his reminiscences in print, Corbett became the world’s most celebrated hunter.

For his services he would take no fee, but insisted all other hunters vacate the area until he had succeeded in his quest. He walked great distances in arduous conditions, with few possessions and limited equipment, in his search for notorious man-eaters, many with hundreds of victims to their account.

Each time he did so, he took his life in his hands and carried the hopes and the future safety of countless villagers with him. In his hand, he often carried a Rigby rifle.

The rifle was presented to Corbett in 1907 as a token of appreciation from the authorities for his successful hunt for

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