
The Memory Box

From the day we met as teachers at Arkansas Baptist High School in Little Rock, Janet Boyd and I knew we had found a best friend.

We connected right away. I taught math. Janet taught English. We shared a love of words, books, the outdoors, shopping, jewelry, talking—pretty much everything.

We were both women of faith. Janet swore she couldn’t live without my prayers, but her faith always seemed wiser than mine. She had a way of putting things that I wanted to imprint in my mind.

I have a habit of writing down things I want to remember and putting them in a box. I have several boxes filled with yellow sticky notes, note cards and even entire journals preserving things I’ve heard or read that matter to me. I call them my Boxes of Remembrance.

I wrote down so many Janet sayings, I started a box just for her. A beautiful blue wooden box for my friend’s seemingly effortless way with words.

“A hurting heart has wisdom,” she said once.

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