History of War


Angus Konstam’s latest book The Convoy tells the story of the merchant ship convoy HG-76, which in December 1941 faced a 2,000-mile (3,220km) journey across the Atlantic, shadowed by U-boats.

The story is told in the context of continued Allied failure in the tonnage war, losing ships to German U-boats faster than they could be replaced. However, HG-76 was different thanks to the presence of anti-submarine expert Commander Frederic ‘Johnnie’ Walker and an invaluable air force of four fighters.

Konstam draws on reports and accounts from within the convoy and the U-boats that continually harassed it. He tells the story of the technical and tactical developments that turned the tide in the Atlantic and the stoic determination of those onboard the convoy.

Konstam spoke to History of War about his book, reflecting on the factors leading to the success of HG-76 and the significance of the U-boat in the Second World War.

Do you feel that the decision to concentrate German U-boat strength against the Gibraltar convoy

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