frankie Magazine

frankie's frankly fantastic puzzle book

fill in the blanks

can you believe 2023 is coming to an end? let’s take some time to reflect.

My happiest memory from this year was _______________

The tastiest meal I ate this year was _______________

My biggest accomplishment this year was _______________

The song I played on repeat this year was _______________

In 2024, one thing I’d love to tick off my bucket list is _______________

The place I’d really like to visit this summer is _______________

The friend I should really call soon is _______________

Now, whip out some pencils or paints, head outside, and doodle a spot of nature. It could be a rose peeking over your neighbour’s fence, a wide-reaching gum tree, or your pup snoozing on the lawn.

mood quiz

if you’re wondering what the heck to do today, have a squiz at this mood quiz for some sweet, summery ideas.

you don’t wanna miss this beautiful weather! slap on the spf, don your nicest togs and head to the beach with

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