Chat Specials


Amie Bridson, 37, from Chester

Hanging up my washing in the living room, I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my lower stomach.

‘Ow!’ I screamed. Looking down, I realised that blood was dripping from my pants.

Oh my God, I thought. This can’t be normal.

I had been told I’d had a miscarriage four weeks prior, in July 2019, after suffering a haemorrhage and so didn’t understand why this was happening now.

It seemed to be a lot of blood.

And with my partner Robert, now 40, away at work and my little girl Isabelle, then seven, at school, I phoned 999.

Being rushed to hospital and whisked in straight away for scans – me and the doctors both couldn’t believe what we were seeing.

‘I can see you have a really healthy baby,’ the doctor said. ‘You’re 12 weeks pregnant.’

To be told that I had lost my baby four weeks prior and having gone through the

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