Yachting World


The weather looked truly terrible for a sail through the San Juan Islands. The week’s National Weather Service forecasts displayed that unwelcome ‘cloud and rain shower’ graphic, puffy gale symbols, and even a few icicle icons. But what did I expect in December at 48° north latitude, on Washington’s west coast?

Yet I was determined to go sailing. Optimism, that essential sailor’s friend, ruled the day. I counted some factors in my favour: tucked 70 miles inside the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the San Juans lie in the rain shadow of both the Olympic mountain range and Vancouver Island. This would temper both rain and gales. I’d also have plenty of shelter: the San Juans abound in perfectly protected anchorages, with good depths and sticky mud that positively grabs an anchor. And I’d have this popular cruising ground almost entirely to myself, since few boats sail here in the winter.

This would also be a chance to visit friends who live in the islands. And in case conditions got really bad, I could even stop at some popular harbours like Friday and Roche, where I could

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