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Reader's Digest UK3 min read
THE WEATHER IS starting to warm up now, so outdoor summer parties and barbecues will soon be in full swing, and that’s a cause for celebration in itself! However, if your patio isn’t currently quite up to scratch and is in need of a little tidying, s
Reader's Digest UK1 min read
Email your jokes to [email protected] or send them at Why can’t humans hear a dog whistle? Because dogs can’t whistle. MAGGIE COBBETT, Yorkshire Being a silly goose? You mean delusions of gander? UGH (@ughfinew
Reader's Digest UK2 min read
This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a blinding light thousands of times brighter than the midday sun. In 1960 a group of US scientists calculated that it would take just 26 minutes and 40 seconds for an ICBM (Intercontinental Ballisti

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