SA Hunter/Jagter


My radar picked up the first squadron of rockies coming in over the hills from the north. A loosely-spaced bundle of specs rapidly approaching the field of ripening sunflowers. I felt a rise of excitement as I waited for the first birds to drop into the field. That magic of lightning-fast projectiles swooping past – whif-fling to slow down and avoid predators, the wind rushing audibly over their wings. Despite its mere 7,5 pounds, the M30 Luftwaffe Drilling felt heavy in my hands, hardly a snap-shooting English wand. The heavy 9,3-mm barrel below made it stable with great momentum, but difficult to stop and change direction. Would I be able to stop the invasion? When the first “war pigeons” dropped in, I relaxed. The M30 absorbed almost all the shock from the light 24-gram Eleys. And it hit where I pointed.

WWI (1914-1918) was essentially a trench war. An intricately woven battle line of trenches stretched from the North Sea coast of Belgium for approximately 708 km to the border of Switzerland. The Germans occupied the north and the Allies the south.

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