Top Sante

Can a drug help me lose weieight?

I HAVE NEVER KNOWN WHAT IT’S like to feel full and satiated. I am always hungry and can always eat more. I have had a complicated relationship with food and sought comfort in it throughout my life but I have always wondered whether I also might have some sort of hormonal dysregulation that drives me to overeat. My research revealed that as a type 1 diabetic, there are six hormones my body likely doesn’t produce properly; insulin is just one of them. There are two others that control hunger and appetite: amylin inhibits food intake, delays gastric emptying and decreases blood glucose levels; then ghrelin, often called the hunger hormone, sends a signal from your stomach to your brain that it’s time to eat. This was a revelation to me and opened my mind to considering taking Wegovy injections.

Ozempic and Wegovy arebrain that you are full. It slows down digestion and gastric emptying making you feel fuller for longer. It also suppresses the amount of glucose produced by the liver, improves insulin sensitivity and even helps the pancreas produce more insulin for those with type 2 diabetes. I asked my NHS diabetes endocrinologist about it. She said that it was only approved for type 2 diabetics but there were encouraging studies to suggest that it could be helpful for type 1 diabetics and she would be happy for me to try it, but it wasn’t available on the NHS. I was going to have to look for private options.

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