Chat Specials


Sitting on the loo, I felt my nerves build.

I wasn’t sure what results I wanted.

I can’t see myself as a mum, I thought.

Until I had met Ole, I wasn’t sure I would find someone I was comfortable enough with to have a family.

But meeting him four years ago had changed everything.

Having had regular periods most of my adult life, I knew to do a test when it didn’t arrive after two weeks.

But I had no typical symptoms or maternal instinct telling me I was pregnant – the test was just routine.

Until I picked the test up and spotted the two lines.

Nervous, I went downstairs to let Ole, 33, know the news.

Handing him the test, I waited to see his reaction.

‘Oh,’ he said. ‘I guess we’re going to be parents then.’

‘I guess we are,’ I replied.

And after the shock had worn off, we were over the moon – we were so excited for this next chapter of our lives.

Keeping the precious news toscan, I was so excited to tell the rest of our family.

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