The Drake



My obsession with flyfishing has made me an avid reader of your work. The Drake is the only publication I read cover-to-cover within a day of its arrival, though part of this expediency is so I can pass it along to my son before he steals it outright.

Travis Gates, Bay Village, OH


Damn you guys for running such a debbie downer of a to go fish for a large salmonid who’s health is so closely tied to the health of the river. Maybe put away those ten-foot spey rods and pick up a four-weight with some 6x and a size 20 zebra midge. Put on some split shot and a strike indicator and go get excited about a 15-inch brown. Not every fish has to be thirty inches or twenty pounds. Maybe have a fifteen-fish day instead of an “almost landed one” and “my-waders-need-more-barge-cement” kind of day.

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