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New Philosopher
Editor-in-Chief Zan Boag Artistic Director Antonia Case Cover Design Genís Carreras Editor-at-large Nigel Warburton Contributors Mariana Alessandri, Marina Benjamin, Antonia Case, Tom Chatfield, André Dao, Michael Foley, Angie Hobbs, David S
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Optimising Mutualism
Humans are social creatures, and, for the most part, we flourish from working cooperatively and forming partnerships. A kind neighbour can be a godsend when planning a vacation, acting as pet feeder, gardener, and home surveillance all in one. Life i
New Philosopher1 min read
John D. Liu, journalist, filmmaker, along with Jane Goodall, primatolo-gist, and an international host of environmentalists and ecosystem restoration camp leaders come together in this video produced by John to present an alternative path, The Flouri

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