Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens

A Close Encounter of the Frisbee Kind

ROLF WAS ALMOST asleep when the Frisbee landed with a soft plop a few feet from his head. His eyelids twitched, then opened. He yawned, unimpressed. It was only a Frisbee—one of those new jobs that glows in the dark—but still just a Frisbee. It had probably been up in the tree and finally come unstuck.

Satisfied that it posed no immediate threat to his present contentment, Rolf again closed his eyes and settled down to sleep. In the morning, his boy would get the Frisbee when he came to fill the water dish. Maybe there would even be time for a short game before school.

Rolf glowed with pride. No other dog in the neighborhood could match his talent at playing Frisbee. His boy was proud

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