JOY! Magazine

CHARACTERS OF THE BIBLE The Philippian jailer

The conversion of the Philippian jailer is one of the most powerful transformations recorded in Acts. In it, we find important indicators about what it means to have genuine, saving faith in Jesus.

European entry

Paul’s first incursion into Europe as a missionary is recorded in Acts 16. Travelling west from Asia Minor, Paul and his compatriots entered the Roman province of Macedonia, where important biblical cities like Berea, Thessalonica, and Philippi lay. They made landfall in Neapolis and eventually spent several days in Philippi, Macedonia’s leading city. After a visit to the nearby riverbed on the Sabbath, where Lydia’s conversion occurred, (Acts 16:16). Upon commanding the spirit to leave the girl, Paul and Silas were accosted by her owners and taken to the city square, where they were accused of disorderly conduct, beaten with rods, and thrown into prison (vv 22-24).

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