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Portrait Of A Marriage
Maestro, directed by Bradley Cooper, 2023. LEONARD BERNSTEIN pursued so many simultaneous careers that he's one twentieth-century American artist of whom it can be said without exaggeration that he contained multitudes. His break-through occurred whe
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Table Talk
LIKE FIFTY million other Americans, I have tinnitus. Not your ordinary, exasperating tinnitus where you hear a ringing in your ears, but a rare, exasperating form of tinnitus where you hear music—singing, not ringing. Oliver Sacks, in his book Musico
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The Mission in Grisaille
I can feel the future behind me and see the past in front of me like a sky-blue pyramid. What were you expecting to find after being isolated for so long? An underworld of people turned into screens turned into shadows; their anonymous faces like sym

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