Practical Boat Owner

When the ice melts

Bringing ice is an excellent gift for sundowners. Ours is made from the sun and wind because we are an electric sailboat: desalinating our own drinking water and then freezing it into cubes and novelty balls, requiring not a drop of fuel anywhere in the process. We consider this about as righteous as it gets – ice made from the sun is better than any other kind!

One day recently, a queasy humid warmth met James’s questing hand when he reached into the refrigerator box. In the tropics, icy cold water had kept us hydrated and motivated and we’d made heavy use of the fridge. In the cool winter of Terceira Island in the Azores, the fridge held mostly condiments, juices, and the brilliant Azorean butter and cheese.

Consternation was the dominant emotion aboard . We did an emergency cold-food-ectomy on the refrigerator box, moving all of the contents to a friend’s land fridge. Okay, so, off the grid but not

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