Black Girl's Magazine (BGM)

Why the Aurora Paints the Night Sky

Many moons ago, when the animals roamed the earth freely with no humans to capture them, a mystical kingdom abided in space. It was crafted out of the finest bricks made from sunrays, and its curtains were made out of moonbeam silk. This castle sat on a bridge that connected the moon and the sun to create one united kingdom. This mighty kingdom was ruled by Fikile, the queen of the moon, and her husband Shakwa, king of the sun. They ruled their kingdom with pride and made sure every citizen in their kingdom had enough to eat and a place to sleep every night. But even their wealth and fame did not compare to their greatest accomplishments, their two children, whom they loved with all of their hearts. Their oldest child was named Saturn. He was twelve years old, and as was the custom of the kingdom, the queen gave all children on their twelfth birthday a special power that complemented their personality, called a gift of age. Saturn’s gift of age was a satchel of very powerful teleporting rings because of his love for traveling.

Saturn had a sister called Aurora. When Aurora was born, the family resided happily in the kingdom for three years. But after those three years, life took a turn for the worst, and it was all because Saturn was not ready for his gift of age.

A few weeks after Aurora’s third birthday, Saturn sat on his bed reading a dusty ancient book, but it was not just any old book, it was the book of the kingdom laws. This book was entrusted to one member of the royal family that had a unique power, and Saturn indeed had a unique power, so the book had been entrusted to him. As he was flipping a page, Aurora came

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