Cosmopolitan India

Burning bright

There is a rigour to most jobs that comes with the territory. Careers such as law, medicine, media, design, all come with a degree of ‘the grunt’ that is inherent in our understanding of it. It influences the way we approach it, the respect we have for it. Even careers that call on physical strength and labour—construction, welding, woodworking—have gravitas, a quiet nod to the toll it takes on the body. But there have always been professions that have fallen within a gap—the ones that are taxing, without that tax being acknowledged.

The creator is the most glaring example of that ilk. It is an industry that makes big money, has an undeniable presence, and is growing on the daily. But it is still treated by the layperson with a measure of frivolity. Popular imagination can’t quite reconcile taking #OOTD photos or shooting travel reels with the grind of a desk-chained nine-to-five. The average social media consumer is looking at that content constantly—for outfit ideas, cooking

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