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Men's Health2 min read
The Grind And The glory
He’s free-climbed to the top of the Manhattan Bridge at sunset as Batman, jumped 21 feet without wires from balcony to balcony three stories up as James Bond, and fought the Hulk as Thor. Iconic stunt by iconic stunt, character by character, Bobby Ho
Men's Health5 min read
The new rules of The gold-medal Mindset
EXCELLENCE IS A LOT messier than you think. Thirty or so years ago, mental-performance coaches would spend hours and hours with Olympians, aiming to help them have a flawless event. “There was a lot of focus on being in the zone—in your flow state—an
Men's Health2 min read
Is Dr.weil’s anti-inflammatory Diet Really So ?
Anti-inflammatory diets target chronic inflammation in your body, a state that has been linked to joint pain, heart disease, and mental-health issues. These diets usually focus on eating plants, which contain inflammation-fighting antioxidants, and f

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