More from Angels on Earth magazine

Angels on Earth magazine2 min read
A SELECTION FROM Walking in Grace
“I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills.” —Exodus 31:3 (NIV) People say my hand-writing is hard to decipher, and I admit it’s probably gotten worse through the years. But
Angels on Earth magazine6 min read
Finding My Way
For 40 years, my wife, Wendy, and I made a life in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. After we retired, our three adult children wound up settling in Pittsburgh. We both agreed we ought to follow them there. I didn’t want to be the out-of-town grandpa. It wa
Angels on Earth magazine4 min read
Sweet Reassurance
Sunday morning, I got ready for church earlier than usual. Although I’d visited the Victory Church in Middlefield, Connecticut, several times and met some of the people in the congregation, today would be the first time I would attend a Sunday servic

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