African Hunting Gazette

Age Doesn’t MATTER

On the hunt

I had started planning for this safari many months beforehand. In Canada it is very difficult to secure travel insurance for our age group, especially with pre-existing health issues. Initially I couldn’t find anyone to accompany me, and finally thought of a couple of longtime friends that I hoped might be interested. To my surprise and relief, they both agreed to come, and were enthusiastic about going to Africa. They did not intend to hunt but wanted to experience the adventure of a sight-seeing safari.

My wife Lois and I had already experienced a wonderful hunting and sight-seeing safari in Namibia in 2016 with Etosha Heights Game Safaris where I took a Hartmann’s mountain zebra, a black-faced impala, a red hartebeest, a gemsbuck and a magnificent kudu. We were within short driving distance of Etosha National Park, so we made a one-day trip to the park. It was well worthwhile seeing the world-famous Etosha salt pan which is larger than the Great Salt Flats in Utah. This 160,000-acre magnificent property is now an eco-tourist location filled with abundant wildlife that includes both the white and the black rhino.

The three of us on this trip have been friends close to forty

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