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The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Audiobook14 hours

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead

Written by Kim Harrison

Narrated by Marguerite Gavin

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

The second novel in the addictive bestselling supernatural series begun with Dead Witch Walking.

To save herself and her vampire roommate, former bounty hunter Rachel Morgan must confront six feet of sheer supernatural seduction—the vampire master—and dark secrets she’s hidden even from herself.

Release dateMay 26, 2020
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead

Kim Harrison

Kim Harrison, author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Hollows series, was born in Detroit and, after gaining her bachelor’s degree in the sciences, she moved to South Carolina, where she remained until recently returning to Michigan because she missed the snow. When not at her desk, Kim is most likely to be found landscaping her new/old Victorian home, in the garden, or out on the links.

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Reviews for The Good, the Bad, and the Undead

Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars

190 ratings64 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to have mixed reviews. Some readers enjoy the well-written story and great characters, looking forward to the next book. However, others find the book disappointing, with weak and incapable characters, excessive filler, and poor decision-making. Overall, the book receives a range of feedback from readers.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This was wack...nothing like the first book in my opinion. There are some revelations you need to know, but there was soo much filler in this book as if the author wanted to meet a word count. And the decision making of the Main character we seen in the first book, kinda was reduced to emotional responses all through this book. Sigh. It's as if the author intentionally wanted to write Rachel's character to be weak, and incapable the entire way through. Making bad decision, presumptions and actions one after another. I feel pretty disappointed because the first book was really good.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
    3 Stars

    The first book in the series was entertaining enough to continue on to the second, but Rachel and Ivy’s creepy relationship had me putting the book on the back burner halfway through. Nevertheless, a buddy read pulled me back into the story about a year later and I’m grateful to my buddies as the book improved a great deal in the second half.

    Harrison’s world building is very engaging. The dichotomy between humans and supernaturals and the distinctions between the various species makes for interesting reading and raises intriguing questions for future installments.

    The plot revolving around Rachel’s investigation into the disappearance and apparent deaths of several ley line witches develops slowly as new characters are introduced and the suspect pool expands. That said, the action heats up at the halfway mark and the climax and resolution are ultimately exciting and satisfying.

    Rachel is an intelligent and resourceful heroine, but her relationship with Ivy is seriously disturbing. Although Rachel’s sympathy and loyalty toward Ivy is understandable, Ivy is constantly overstepping the boundaries ostensibly out of a desire to help, but its seems more like an attempt at seduction. Moreover, Ivy’s aggression and Rachel’s feelings of guilt and remorse reek of abuse and a form of battered wife syndrome. All of this has a rather distasteful feel to it and puts a damper on an otherwise compelling story.

    Nick and Rachel’s romance is another problematic issue. Nick definitely has his own suspicious agenda and the developments in his characterization in this book do not bode well for the future nor do they endear him to me one iota. Hopefully, he is on his way out.

    On a more positive note, the mystery of Trent and Rachel’s connection, as warped as it seems at the moment, is the most captivating aspect of this book (and the first). Trent is a fascinating character. The more I learn about his enigmatic identity and morally ambiguous business dealings, the more I want to know. Thus, getting to the roots of his contentious relationship with Rachel and discovering what lies ahead for them both is what keeps me interested in continuing with the series.

    All in all, not a bad read despite its problems and the unanswered questions have me eager to read the next one.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed, but I think I've come to the conclusion that this just is not my fave genre...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I connected with Rachel Morgan much more in this second installment in the series. Surprisingly (since I did not feel the same way about the first in the series), I literally couldn't put this one down and read it all in one sitting. However, I still don't like Rachel Morgan very much. She is incredibly careless, and her carelessness usually ends up getting someone else hurt. Nick, and especially Ivy, suffer because of her thoughtlessness and immaturity. Jenks' kids seem more mature than Rachel at times.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This novel held together much better than the first one. I still am at a loss as to why Rachel was convinced that Trent was a bad guy, and I don't understand why she would have such a grudge against him in the face of much worse bad guys. Her intuition is cute and all, but she goes off half cocked a lot on crusades that she seems to pull out of thin air. As I say, this tendency was mitigated in "The Good The Bad and The Undead."

    The story line was much more cohesive, and wrapped up some questions from the first novel while leaving some interesting problems for the future.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another great read in The Hollows series, though you do start to pick up on certain repetitive phrases and situations at this point. It gets a little annoying at times.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    There is a lot of pseudo-angst around Ivy and Rachel's living arrangements that I could have done without. It's like Harrison was trying to put in some lesbian tension without actually having the characters be lesbian. It fell short and felt kinda... greasy... because they'd have their pseudo-lesbian spat and Rachel would run off to have detailed sex with Nick (who, by the way, is as flat a character as I've ever seen in these kind of novels).That being said... the story does pick up just after the halfway point and the plot actually becomes quite interesting and the author at least attempts to explain the weird relationship between Rachel and Ivy... though I never did end up liking Nick at all. Rachel can and should do better than that sad sack.I will certainly be reading more in the series since I'm beginning to quite like the dynamics between Rachel and the rest of the recurring characters.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Rachel is having troubles making ends meet after becoming independent runner in this sequel to dead witch walking. She is employed as an inderlander (supernatural population) expert by the FIB who is investigating a series of witch killings. The evidence points towards Trent - the big bad biodrug crimelord from DWW - being involved in the murders. During her investigation she commits herself to become a familiar to a demon, finds out that Trent is a - believed to be extinct - elver, and is attacked by several vampires, amongst those her roommate Ivy.The behavior of Rachel in this book is so stupid it became hard to stay engaged in the story. It seems as if the author couldn't come up with a more believable plotline, and then just took the path of least resistance and made her protagonist act stupidly and - I'd like to believe - out of character (If her character is that way I wouldn't want to read about her).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I thought the second book in this series read a lot better than the first one. Rachel finds out she's actually a very powerful ley line witch, which gives her some strength beyond charms and splat guns. We find out Trent's big secret, and learn more about Ivy's family. Rachel agreeing to to both become the demon's familiar and keep Trent's money was a solid capper to the book. I'm happy that Harrison is giving her heroine complex depth of character.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Much better than first book. There is more action but what's more important story is significantly better.

    But again little slow beginning.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this and will start the third in the series soon.

    The only problem I had with it was how slow the first half of the book was but it quickly picked up pace after the 50% mark and I was sucked into the story.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    As much as I am a sucker for urban fantasy I won’t be finishing this one, compared to other females leads of this genre like Kate Daniels (for example) Rachel Morgan sucks and is kind of an airhead slut. She is whiney, her comebacks are lame, she’s constantly being reckless and making dumb blunders and then relying on others to come get her out of her latest mess. She goes running into a vampire’s lair without any planning or telling anyone except for a dumb note she leaves for her boyfriend Nick on the door trusting that he’ll figure out how to save her even though she knows that for whatever reason he’s trying to lay low from talking to the police. She then goes and starts making out hardcore with another man in an elevator all while waiting for her boyfriend to come save her sorry self YET AGAIN… literally her first thoughts after the make out are oh I hope Nick gets my note so I’m not trapped here, no regret NOTHING… I wanted to scream I don’t know Rachel maybe he’s finally had enough, dump your sorry @$$ and Is now making out with his own new fling in an elevator…*insert eye roll here* that actually would have made me like the book more had it gone that way. I’m not a fan of books with crappy lead characters who are bratty but somehow have everyone jumping to devotedly for their bidding. Simply put Rachel is an user. Safe to say I do not relate to this character at all and I’m pretty sure that’s not a bad thing. It sucks because I think the plot is pretty interesting outside of her but she as a person sucks so much I’m no longer enjoying the book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This review first appeared on A Weebish Book Blog.Rachel Morgan may have dodged a bullet when she beat a death threat three months ago, but her life is far from stable. There’s a serial killer loose in Cincinnati targeting witches and Rachel has volunteered as bait. Her old boss continues to make her life unbearable, the FIB refuse to investigate Trent Kalamack ‘s involvement in the murders, and her relationship with Nick has hit a rough patch.Rachel and Jenks continue to captivate as their plans continue to go awry in the most unfortunate yet humorous ways possible. Jenks and his family have become favorite secondary characters of mine. He’s such a snarky, mischievous pixie and I can’t get enough of him! They’ve also become quite important to Ivy and Rachel now that they’ve settles into their church’s garden. The two learn very quickly that pixies take home security to a whole ‘nother level. Which comes in handy when a certain troublemaking heroine is almost getting murdered every other day.Ivy, however, is not adjusting well to living with Rachel. She continues to struggle with self-hatred and our heroine is learning all to well that rooming with a vampire who hates being a vampire is not the safest way to live. I guess it’s a good thing for Ivy that she picked a stubborn adrenaline junkie to become pals with.Ever since his appearance in DEAD WITCH WALKING, I’ve had doubts that Nick would make a good boyfriend for Rachel. Those suspicions were confirmed when certain truths about his “hobbies” came to light. Things have irrevocably changed between Rachel and Nick and I don’t see their relationship lasting very long.THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UNDEAD left me anxious for more Rachel Morgan adventures as Harrison answered many unexplained questions from the first novel, and raised even more by the end of this one. The Hollows has quickly become a fast favorite and I encourage urban fantasy fans to add it to their TBR’s as well..
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Better than the first one, but one thing that's really bothering me is how uncool and not sexy at all the men in these stories are. Jeez, I understand the need for some strong female characters, but there's no need to forget how unbelievably great it is to have female and male characters being equally strong together and with their moments of weakness. That being said, Trent is totally awesome and a character with many facets to be explored. There was some great development for him and Rachel here, which made me eager for the next installment.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Really like the characters, not in love with the writing for some reason. (It wasn't bad.) Like with the first book in the series I struggled to get into it (took me over 200 pages as compared to the 100 pages in the first). I pushed on through to finish because like I said, I like the characters -- but unfortunately, I'm not sure I'll spend the time on #3.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I love the whole hollows series. Rachel, Ivy and Jenks pull it off time and time again. Magic, mystery and danger follow them where ever they go.Harrison just keepings getting better. Fantastic series for people who like urban fantasy but find the sexual overload necessary. I look forward to each and every book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    IV read all these boooks! What a joy to be able to listen to them!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I cannot take this stupid draaaaaging $hit anymore. 1/3rd story and 2/3rd fillers. Done with the series and this author.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wanted to re-read the series and thought this would be a good way to do so. I was correct, the narrator is enjoyable and the story is just a fun as I remembered
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    For once I have reached an understanding as to why this book didn't click with me. I had to rate the latter 2/5 stars, as that was my honest rating. The first half had a lot of filler and posturing going on. Then things got much better - for a while - as a tumult of revelations poured in. The best part of Dr Anders' disappearance was the red herring it created. There was quite some good work present, but the bad outweighs the good. With this book, I'm no longer impatient to go on reading the series. I'll get around to it, but I'll take my time. The trouble with Urban Fantasy is that many authors don't know how to build interest when trying to tarry and dally. Fortunately for them, the fans of the genre aren't bothered by this. Secondly, this book had no humor I could latch on to. So it's safe to say Dead Witch Walking is superior to this one. That's my opinion. Bye.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Fun story and characters, and much more interesting then the first book there were a few too many missing words, and parts that could have been cut for me to fully enjoy this somewhat laborious novel.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Well written, great characters. I'm looking forward to the next book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    2nd in the Rachel Morgan series. Life is not easy for white witch bounty hunter Morgan, she lives with a vampire, her boyfriend has the bad habit of calling a demon, her clients don't always pay her, and her demon mark reacts really strongly to vampires. And now ley line witches are killed... I just love that series :o) Action, suspense, humor and a little romance... everything is there! Rachel is a white witch with principles but she has to face reality and most accept to go against her values sometimes to survive and help her friends survive. In this book, she also learns more about her past and her father. I can't wait to read the next installement in that series (but I have to wait until my books are unpacked). I gave it 4.5
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Multiple chapters with spots of no audio. 20 plus seconds
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great series! Rachel is snarky and a kick a$$ chick! Jinx is hysterical and Ivy is a real bada$$! I may be crushing on Al, I know he is a demon but he is just so funny!

    Terrific concept and truly entertaining tale!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This novel held together much better than the first one. I still am at a loss as to why Rachel was convinced that Trent was a bad guy, and I don't understand why she would have such a grudge against him in the face of much worse bad guys. Her intuition is cute and all, but she goes off half cocked a lot on crusades that she seems to pull out of thin air. As I say, this tendency was mitigated in "The Good The Bad and The Undead."

    The story line was much more cohesive, and wrapped up some questions from the first novel while leaving some interesting problems for the future.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was great! The characters remain engaging, the plots moves quickly and very well, and the ending satisfies :)
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I'm really digging this series. It's fun and fast paced. Rachel is an endearing heronie. I enjoy the worldbuilding and Rachel's relationships with Ivy, Nick, Trent, etc. are complex which makes the story seem even more real.

    I'm glad the series is complete so I don't have to wait a year for my next visit to the Hollows!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Trent Kalamack is a great villian, completely bad and doing those bad things for all the right reasons.

    Rachel's bravery is starting to grow on me, as is her reluctance to become involved with Ivy.

    The world remains fascinating, and the tomato joke/threat will never get old.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Good: strong characters and plot; Rachel Morgan is an interesting protagonist.Bad: clunky, overwritten prose drags down the pacing, lessening the impact of the plot; Rachel's impatience and impulsivity makes her annoying at times; poorly-proofed copy.