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Lance: A Spirit Unbroken
Lance: A Spirit Unbroken
Lance: A Spirit Unbroken
Audiobook9 hours

Lance: A Spirit Unbroken

Written by walter stoffel

Narrated by walter stoffel

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Lance, a border collie, spends a few miserable weeks inside his owner's house before he is thrown outside and chained, without food, water or shelter. For 10 years he is kept alive by a neighbor but remains trapped on hostile territory, tortured by people and attacked by animals. Then he and the author accidentally cross paths.

When his owners threaten to get rid of him "permanently," Walter and his wife pull off a last-minute rescue and move to another town. End of story? No, just the beginning. Lance shows his gratitude by launching a reign of terror against his rescuers and anyone else he can get his teeth on. Experts and non-experts declare him a lost cause. His owner's face an agonizing dilemma: do we destroy the dog we rescued?

While waiting for his fate to be decided, Lance furnishes loads of comic relief. He makes every car ride a life-threatening yet rollicking (though not to the state trooper) adventure; his Houdini-like disappearing acts defy explanation; he fouls up a drug bust; and he challenges a swan to a swimming contest—guess who wins? When Lance isn't menacing, he's entertaining.

Fasten your seat belt and take the same crazy, emotional roller coaster ride his rescuers took. Be warned! Lance will get into your heart and under your skin (not literally, of course!)..

Release dateJan 5, 2020

walter stoffel

Walter Stoffel is a freelance writer and publisher who specializes in human interest memoir and fiction. His newest book, Arthur: The Beginning, is a work of historical fiction that describes a young boy's struggle to survive his childhood. His debut dog rescue memoir Lance: A Spirit Unbroken has achieved five-star book review status on three continents. The author has a rich work history that includes teaching GED and substance abuse counseling at correctional facilities. He also has experience as a certified mental health screener. For many years, he lived and worked in various South American countries. Most unique occupation: chipping excess concrete off the undersides of bridges in Virginia. All his coworkers were wearing prison stripes. Mr. Stoffel is a member of the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group, Pennwriters and Barbara's Writing Group, a critiquing association. When not writing, he loves to read, travel, work out, and watch bad movies. The author has a B.A. in psychology and is a credentialed alcoholism and drug counselor. He lives in Canadensis, PA with his wife Clara and their rescued dog Buddy. Personal accomplishment: after having hip replacement surgery, Walter entered a marathon and finished it-dead last.

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The author of this nonfiction book had dreamed of having a dog like the dog of his youth; a loyal, friendly, playful, loving companion who chased balls and played stick and gave you slobbery kisses. In other words, a "normal" dog. What he got was Lance.After rescuing Lance, a Border Collie, from abusive owners, he thought he could teach him to love and be loved and to overcome his awful past. But some things are so ingrained in one that they can't be changed, and you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Lance was a biter, and soon took the alpha position in the home as the feared leader. But he finally got a real home, the love he needed, and the exercise he craved. This is his story.I liked this book very much, and highly recommend it to dog lovers (especially Border Collie lovers) everywhere. It is poignant and moving, often sad, but with messages of hope, patience, long-suffering, and courage that we could all learn from. Five paws up!