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Team Seven
Team Seven
Team Seven
Audiobook8 hours

Team Seven

Written by Marcus Burke

Narrated by Arnell Powell and Simone Cook

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Marcus Burke offers a literarily accomplished, authentic urban drama.--Set in Milton, the story follows Andre Battel from age eight through his teenage years as he grows away from his Jamaican family, discovers talents on the basketball court, and eventually falls into a routine of dealing drugs. The story is told primarily through Andre's voice. What emerges is a rich portrait of a black family, a black community, and one young boy/man poised between youthful innocence and ambiguous experience.
Release dateMay 27, 2014
Team Seven

Marcus Burke

Marcus Burke grew up in Milton, Massachusetts. He attended prep school at Brimmer and May and played basketball at Susquehanna University, where he played varsity for all four years. But a knee injury limited his playing time, so he took up fiction writing instead and was accepted at the Iowa Writers Workshop, where he was awarded a grant in honor of James Alan McPherson from the University of Iowa MacArthur Foundation Fund. He lives in Iowa City, Iowa.

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