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The Shoes of Fortune
The Shoes of Fortune
The Shoes of Fortune
Audiobook1 hour

The Shoes of Fortune

Written by Hans Christian Andersen

Narrated by Emma Fenney

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this audiobook

In The Shoes of Fortune a series of people who are dissatisfied with their lives, put on a pair of magic shoes that grants them the wishes. A civil servant who idealizes the middle ages, experiences all its inconveniences; a watchman lives the lonely life of his superior and endures a terrifying visit to the moon. The shoes pass from owner to owner until one exhausted wearer who wishes for rest and spiritual freedom, dies. Andersen concludes with a quote by Solon: Call no man happy until he rests in his grave.
Release dateOct 3, 2017

Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense, Denmark, in 1805. He endured a lonely, impoverished childhood consoled by little more than his own imagination. He escaped to a theatre life in Copenhagen aged 14 where the support of a powerful patron enabled him to complete his scant education, and to write. His poetry, novels and travel books became hugely popular. But it was his Fairy Tales, the first children's stories of their kind, published in instalments from 1835 until the time of his death in 1875, that have immortalised him. Translated into more than 100 languages and adapted to every kind of media, they have made Andersen the most important children's writer in history.

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