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Written by Cynthia Hand

Narrated by Samantha Quan

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Described as ""utterly captivating"" by Richelle Mead and as ""enchanting and exciting, romantic and believable"" by Melissa Marr, the New York Times bestselling Unearthly series has dazzled readers and critics alike. In this riveting finale, Cynthia Hand explores the timeless question of whether it is better to follow the rules or your heart. This incandescent paranormal romance will win the hearts of fans of Becca Fitzpatrick, Andrea Cremer, and Cassandra Clare.

The past few years held more surprises than part-angel Clara Gardner ever could have anticipated. Now, with the fallen angel who attacked her watching her every move and the threat of Black Wings looming, Clara knows she must finally fulfill her destiny—a destiny that includes Christian Prescott by her side. But in order to complete her purpose, Clara must first find a way to give up the thing she wants most . . . a future with the boy she loves, Tucker Avery.

Release dateJan 22, 2013

Cynthia Hand

The Lady Janies are made up of New York Times bestselling authors Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, and Jodi Meadows. They first met in 2012, when their publishers sent them on a book tour together, and they hit it off so well they decided to write My Lady Jane so they could go on book tours together all the time. Between the three of them they’ve written more than twenty published novels, a bunch of novellas, a handful of short stories, and a couple of really bad poems. They’re friends. They’re writers. They’re fixing history by rewriting one sad story at a time. Learn more at 

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Reviews for Boundless

Rating: 4.4324324324324325 out of 5 stars

37 ratings14 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a great read, with a captivating story that keeps them engaged. The series is loved by many, with moments that evoke laughter, tears, and even frustration. While there is a lot of information to absorb, it is easy to follow and understand. Some readers express a desire for a different ending, but overall, they are happy with the series.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What a lovely ending to one of my favorite series. The whole series was well written with well-rounded characters. The series isn't all romance as good and evil are fought especially in this last book. Still, for tweens looking for romance but wanted a bit more than what they found in Twilight, I think this is the perfect series.And the ending? Couldn't have been more perfect.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I am completely in love with this series. But however I really wanted Clara and Christan to be together. I wish it never ended .
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Boundless wasn't as enjoyable as Unearthly but I enjoyed it more than Hallowed as the book finally achieved what seems to be almost impossible with love-triangles. The heroine Clara never came off as wishy-washy or fickle. I've noticed when it comes to love triangles fans of tv shows, anime and books can get rather judgmental of the female involved in love triangles. Tumblr is the worst place for female characters to be hated on for bad or indecisive writing [sometimes just to drag a storyline out for ratings]. The writers can often make the character come off as fickle while trying to please two sets of fans. Plot devices for the sake of dragging the plot out until the couple can get together often lead to annoying characters.The hell scenes weren't as creepy or scary as I've read in other novels but felt in tune with the sorrow the fallen feel.The book was a tad judgey about people ending up in hell for hangups that are normal and people grow out of but nothing compared to that atrocious novel, Sweet Evil which has girls damned just for sleeping with the wrong guy or drinking.I liked the friendships in the novel
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    i really liked this series and was especially happy with the ending
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I’m so glad that I had a chance to read this book. Finally after a long awaited time, I have finished Boundless. And it was AWESOME!1. Plot. The plot moved just at the right place, allowing the reader to be taken away by the writing and the plot. Each chapter, the author did an amazing job weaving in unexpected twists and turns.2. Mystery. This book carried a great amount of mystery that kept you firmly in the book. Your mind had not time to wonder cause all you wanted to know is to find every single missing piece and put it together.3. Love. All I can say is, if she unconsciously found her home over and over again, how can he not be hers? I loved their interaction very much and adored how hard they fought for each other.4. Utlimate battle. Their is a build up to a great battle at the end. Once I reached this part, my heart hammered in my chest. I gasp. My hands clenched the book as my eyes raced toward the end. Hoping and wanting things to turn out okay.5. BEST. ENDING. EVER. Yup. It is. After the battle is won, I’m happy to report that ending is very satisfying. It left me with a huge smile on my face.I’m so happy with this series. It has totally blown me away from the first book till the last. Capturing the best moments with a moving plot and awesome characters, this story rocks. Unlocking secrets with an great ending, Boundless is awesome.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ahhh. Ok. It was good.
    This series...I don't think I've ever been so attached to the characters as i was in a book/series. Which is saying a lot. I was feeling like 'crazy fan' for a while there, clutching my tear soaked pillow saying "no, no, no..."
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wow, I can't believe this series is over. What to say... It was an excellent finale and made all the difference from Hallowed! I still was unhappy with the lack of Tucker scenes but the few were good enough to hold me over! Cynthia ties it all together in this one with a lot of twists and turns and 'oh crap' moments. The story flowed so smoothly and I never caught myself feeling the need to skim as I have with so many books lately. These characters are ones that will stay with me for a long time! I forgotten how much I enjoyed Clara since Unearthly- Hallowed was a bit rough for me. Boundless is a great way to tie it all together and give these characters a deserving ending. I especially enjoyed the connection to author Courtney Allison Moulton (which if you know her love of her horse you'll understand)! A great finish to a good trilogy- skillfully written, adored characters, and a fitting ending! I am sad it is over!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the final book in the Unearthly series and it was an excellent close to the series. I enjoyed how everything wrapped up.Clara, Christian, and Angela are all starting school at Stanford. Clara quickly decides on premed as her major, but is also plagued by a vision that’s been coming with increasing frequency. Christian wants him and Clara to be more, but Clara is having trouble letting go of Tucker. Then Clara’s dad shows up and demands she start training with a glory sword because of events to come. Clara begins to wonder what the Black Wings are going to do next and if she will be able to face it without dying.I really enjoyed this book, although I think it was my least favorite of the three (I absolutely loved the first two books in this series). Clara is just very wishy washy about the whole Tucker/Christian issue and it started to wear on me a bit. Also poor Christian kind of takes an emotional beating throughout the story.Clara and Christian are trying to live like normal college students, as well as they can. Of course their angelic natures keep interfering. Angela spends most of the book absolutely obsessed about finding her angelic purpose.I really enjoyed the lessons between Clara and her father. It was fun to watch her learn how to use Glory for teleportation. It was also a lot of fun to watch her and Christian learn to use and fight with their Glory swords.There is a lot of discussion throughout the book about divine purpose versus free will and it is some interesting discussion. My only complaint would be I thought that some of the plot points felt a bit contrived and a bit too convenient.The book is very well written, engaging and readable. There is a lot of humor sprinkled throughout which serves to lighten up the storyline a bit. Overall I really enjoy this closing book to this series. The characters are likable, the story is engaging, and it is all very well written and readable. This whole series is highly recommended to fans of paranormal young adult books. It is really one of the better paranormal YA series out there.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a great read/listen. I started from the first book Unearthy (of course) and was just pulled into the story. I'm a person who also loved reading the Halo series, Beautiful Disaster, and a few other YA romances. There were times that this series made me laugh, crying and just plain irritated. At times there is a lot going on and a lot of info but it was really easy to get back on track and understand what is going on again.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    CONTAINS SPOILERS!!Honestly, due to the ending I am giving Boundless 2.5 Stars. I am neither a "Team Tucker" nor a "Team Christian" fan, but when you have a character who spends the entire book being there for you in every way possible and have the heroine choose the other one. The one who has not helped in any way what-so-ever it makes absolutely no sense. Not to mention it makes the heroine come across as very shallow. I am frustrated with what happens to Tucker at the end. [How convenient that Tucker now has power, longer mortality and is no longer affected by the glory. Ugh! Extremely tidy and convenient endings always frustrate me! Disappointed.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Unearthly is my favorite angel series of all time, so I was beyond excited to read Boundless. While I am sad the series is over, I did throughly enjoy reading the last installment. We see more of Angela and almost none of Tucker. Boundless was much more action packed than the previous novels, but the romance wasn’t quite as good as usual.Now that Clara has learned pretty much all there is to know about the angel world and has fulfilled her original purpose, she has a much more dangerous mission to prepare for—and naturally it involves Christian. Since I am a Christian and Clara fan, I loved watching the two train together. Unlike Clara’s previous visions, this one is dangerous and because of it Boundless is actually pretty intense. Instead of being sweet and romantic, we get an action packed novel with a lot of heart-stopping action. In fact, there were a lot of scenes that I thought would work well for the end of the novel, but more and more intense scenes just kept coming!The only thing I felt was missing from Boundless was romance. While it was still there, it just wasn’t the same as it was in Unearthly and Hallowed. Instead of being the backdrop to the entire book, it was more like a supporting story line.All in all, Boundless is an exciting and satisfying conclusion to the Unearthly series. Cynthia Hand has done such amazing job with this story and her characters are so memorable, that I know they will stay with me for a long time. I am really looking forward to seeing what Cynthia Hand has in store for us next.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Boundless is one of the best series finales I've ever read. Hand creates her own path to the conclusion of this story, which leads to a surprisingly different ending from most of the other YA series finales in today's market. This unique approach led to fully developed and evolved characters, a feeling of resolution while still hinting at the characters' continued lives beyond the story, and an intriguing plot that keeps the reader engaged. This story flew by, and while I felt sad that this is the end, I also was satisfied with the ending. Hand shows how talented she is in Boundless, and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. Clara has always impressed me as a character. She's strong and independent, but she still has a heart of gold. She's snarky when need be, but she's not off-putting. She's an extremely balanced character, and she grows even more in this final installment. Sometimes she simply reacts out of pure emotion, which we all do, but she tries her hardest not to be selfish. She really wants to be a good person, and I love that about her. She's a great narrator, and I approve of all of how she handled everything. She's almost always honest, and she doesn't take people for granted. She's a great character that we could all learn from. Christian and Tucker are both fantastic, and while I vacillated between the two teams, I would have been happy regardless of who Clara chose. I love how Hand handled this situation. She hinted at doing a few of the "easy way out" scenarios that less talented authors opt for, but in the end, the situation resolved itself in an interesting and unique way. I wasn't disappointed with how things turned out at all. I think the entire love triangle was handled with grace. I feel like both guys got what they wanted and needed in life and that no one was short-changed.The plot was intricately woven and intense. There were some surprises, and other things I saw coming a mile away (such as who the main betrayer would be). I found it interesting how everything seemed to be completely screwed up half the time, but in the end, it all came together exactly how it was destined to. I also enjoyed the idea of our choices always being the right ones, no matter how much they seemed like a mistake, because they will lead to our destiny. Basically our choices create our destiny, but our destiny is already laid out. We just happen to make the "right" choices. It's a combination of free will and fate that creates our purposes. That, to me, seems to be the prevailing message of this series, and I'm glad Hand addressed the concept. Many YA series don't deal with anything remotely philosophical, but Hand realizes that her readers are intelligent and capable of deep thought. So in addition to a terrific and entertaining story, she included some philosophical concepts. Overall, I'd recommend this series to anyone who enjoys good books with some depth. While it is an angel series, it's not overly religious. Those who are Christian and those who aren't will enjoy the story. I never felt as if Hand was preaching at me, and she doesn't make a case for anything through her characters. She simply played around with a philosophy to see where it led. If you haven't read this series yet, you are missing out.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked this series and the writing was good and the characters were realistic but the ending really did not gel with me. It just didn't make sense to me. Other than that, I did like the entire series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Boundless, the ending to the Unearthly series, was good, but I was hoping for great. While I have been Team Tucker, I was quickly brought over to Team Christian. He's Clara's best friend and confidante, but Tucker is her home. Really? Why spend the majority of the book building up the relationship between Clara and Christian only for her to choose Tucker. I feel like the series was rushed and one more book could have ended the series in a different light. Oh, win some and you long for some. :)