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Ravishing the Heiress
Ravishing the Heiress
Ravishing the Heiress
Audiobook8 hours

Ravishing the Heiress

Written by Sherry Thomas

Narrated by Jenny Sterlin

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Millicent understands the terms of her arranged marriage all too well. She gets to be a Countess by marrying an impoverished Earl. And in return, the Earl Fitzhugh receives the benefit of her vast wealth, saving his family from bankruptcy. Because of her youth, they have agreed to wait eight years before consummating the marriage--and then, only to beget an heir. After which, they will lead separate lives. It is a most sensible arrangement. Except for one little thing. Somehow Millie has fallen head over heels in love with her husband. Her husband, who has become her very best friend, but nothing more...Her husband, who plans to reunite with his childhood sweetheart, the beautiful and newly widowed Isabella, as soon as he has honored the pact with his wife... As the hour they truly become husband-and-wife draws near, both Millie and Fitzhugh must face the truth in their hearts. Has their pact bred only a great friendship--or has it, without either of them quite noticing, given rise to a great love?
Release dateJul 5, 2013
Ravishing the Heiress

Sherry Thomas

Sherry Thomas is the author of The Burning Sky and The Perilous Sea, the first two books in the Elemental Trilogy. Sherry immigrated to the United States from China when she was thirteen and taught herself English in part by devouring science fiction and romance novels. She is the author of several acclaimed romance novels and is the recipient of two RITA Awards. Sherry lives with her family in Austin, Texas.

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Reviews for Ravishing the Heiress

Rating: 4.297872340425532 out of 5 stars

47 ratings11 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a great series with plausible and interesting romance. The shifting between present and future adds to the enjoyment, and the way the author weaves each story together is highly recommended. However, there is a negative review that finds the book horrible and disgusting, comparing it to real life. Overall, the book is recommended for those who enjoy mature relationships and well-crafted stories.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Oh. My. Goodness. Soooooo good.Any other words would be superfluous.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An emotional second installment in the Fitzhugh Trilogy centering on Millie and Fitz and their arranged marriage. Millie, an heiress who has been in love with Fitz from the first, must face facts that his old love, Isabelle, has returned from India a widow. He intends to live with her, but only after he has sired an heir from his wife - Millie. In flashbacks we see the early days of their eight year marriage and how it grew into a true partnership between friends. Much of this story is melancholy until Fitz comes to his senses and realizes what a gem he has and how the memory of Isabelle is nothing more than that - a memory. Fitz has his flaws but I liked him. I did scratch my head over his thoughtlessness, particularly at the end at Henley Park when Millie is there? Overall a gut wrenching story for Millie, but with a satisfying ending - albeit rushed. I would have preferred a lengthier 'time in the sun' for Millie and Fitz once he realizes his mistake. As usual, Sherry is fantastic when it comes to strong emotional themes. I'm in awe of her talent and she is an absolute favorite and auto buy for me. Bring on the next in this trilogy!

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Simultaneously very straightforward and tradition, yet a new twist. I thoroughly enjoyed this sweet book.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This book was so horrible, and I love the writer. Maybe if they had said two years...three. She wasted her life while he f*#ked everyone. Totally disgusting and too much like real life.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I am so torn...On the one hand, I loved this story and how it developed. On the other hand, I am disappointed in the telling of the story. While Ms. Thomas has a wonderful imagination, I miss her 370-420 paged novels. I miss the depths of despair felt by the H/H. I miss them pining away for each other; and I miss the absolute rightness and sheer joy described in the H/H resolution. The author's first 4 books spoiled me. Now, I long to read this book and its predecessor over AFTER they have been fleshed out. At times, I felt like I was reading a detailed outline. Sufficient, but not superior to the full story.Secondly, Ms. Thomas needs to return to her former publishing house. With them, I found her books for months after being published; and NOT because they didn't sell, but because they did. I have yet to see any copies of this trilogy at major department stores, drug stores, and grocery stores. Too bad.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Obligatory Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this from the author through First Reads. Opinions are my own.

    This was an okay-enough romance. Nothing stand-out about it, but neither did it make me want to give up on it or pitch the thing across the room. A few complaints:

    1.) I was less than thrilled with the jumping back and forth in time.
    2.) I understand this was one of a trilogy, but the pimping of the other books in the series was distracting and annoying. There were two side romances that did nothing to advance the primary plot and served only to confuse the hell out of me. Naturally, the idea is that you'll be so intrigued by these side romances that you'll buy the other books in the series.
    3.) The sex scenes were kinda...blah. Supposedly, the romance and sexual tension has been building between the couple for 8 years. You'd have thought there's be more fire, more passion. There was not. I expected much more.

    Nothing exceptional about the book, but as a fluff read in between more "serious" books, it was a fine diversion.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    “I don’t want to hurt my old girlfriend’s feelings, it’ll break Her heart if I tell her I love my wife. I just can’t hurt her like that.” “I gave her my word that we would be together.”

    WTF??? You gave your wife your word too you SOB!

    He gets Millie’s money
    He sleeps with other women for 8 years
    He plans to put his wife aside (but stay married) because his old gal is now a widow and available
    He is totally selfish and treats his marriage like crap.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    ***This doesn't contain any direct spoilers, but maybe enough information that it might be****

    I wavered between a three and a four for this one. I wanted Fitz to be less dense and Millie to stick up for herself. Eight years? Granted, two people can decide to do whatever they want to between themselves, but Fitz was an idiot for not noticing that Millie truly loved him (as one of his sisters pointed out). His behavior when Isabelle returned was appalling, as was the whole "6-month thing." So Isabelle needed help with the children, but he'd get Millie pregnant and leave her? What sort of twisted logic is that? And the fact that she took care of him when he was being so incredibly awful on their "honeymoon" when the whole reason he was behaving that way was because he was married to her--petulant, whiny boy! How long did it take him to realize she'd had to give up things as well? That's why the hesitation between 3 or 4 stars. I felt command of the story was good, and I liked Millie, even if I want to yell "wake up" at her sometimes. I can see how she might have thought declaring her love for him before she thought he was ready might drive him away if he didn't know what to do with that information, and maybe the timing was as it should be, but I know I couldn't live that way for eight years, not with someone I loved. (I suppose I'm more of a jealous type than Millie seems to be, however). I hope he spends the rest of his life being extremely, extremely nice to her, and remembers her birthdays and their anniversaries. I was glad his sisters took her side--they realized early on how lucky he was to have had an arranged marriage with someone so genuinely nice and kind, who overlooked their brother's obvious faults. One thing about Millie, though, is that while she was overlooked, she is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. And in terms of the gossip mill, it seems as though Fitz could have formed one just on his own shenanigans, another thing not very fair to Millie--it never really came up, unless I missed it, but when she went out, she would have been in the presence of women her husband had slept with. Definitely not very nice or well-considered on his part. I think he needed to grow up and never really did until he was older and had to make the decision he did. What rock finally fell on his head to make him realize that yes, people do change over eight years?

    I was thinking these things while I was reading, it wasn't as if they suddenly came to me when I was done, but I felt invested in Millie and wanted to know what would happen to her, because she truly deserved someone nice. She at least deserved a nice young man as a friend, even if just a friend, for nothing else if to make Fitz jealous. That might have hurried things along.

    Now there's just poor Helena. I have to wait for the last book because someone has it on hold before me. Literally a hold, not as in they're so enraptured of it they can't let go. :-)

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This series is great and this one is maybe my favorite although I love the next one too. Watching a mature relationship is wonderful and I actually liked the shifting back and forth between the present and future. I also really like the way she weaves each story into the prior one and the characters show up in simple appropriate ways throughout. It all just completely and totally works. highly recommend.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The romance between the lead characters is plausible and interesting.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    When you say free trial its a free. How come that I have to pay first and give me 15 second sample narration. I cant understand this app. I want to avail the free trial. But it seems its not a free trial at all.