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If You Knew Her: A Novel
If You Knew Her: A Novel
If You Knew Her: A Novel
Audiobook10 hours

If You Knew Her: A Novel

Written by Emily Elgar

Narrated by Katey Sobey

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

From a terrific new voice comes a standout debut thriller in the vein of What She Knew and I Let You Go.

“Emotionally charged and tautly plotted, Emily Elgar’s debut is a stunning example of psychological suspense.”—Clare Mackintosh, international bestselling author of I Let You Go and I See You

A woman in a coma. The man who could save her life—if only he could speak.

When young, beautiful Cassie Jensen arrives unconscious to the intensive care ward at St. Catherine’s hospital after being struck in a hit-and-run while out walking her dog, chief nurse Alice Marlowe thinks she looks familiar. She starts digging deeper into Cassie’s relationships, only to discover something about her patient that she’d been keeping secret from everyone, including her devoted husband and family. Soon Alice finds herself obsessed with her patient’s past and future, even willing to put her own career on the line in her single-minded search for answers.

Frank, a patient on the same ward who has locked-in syndrome, can hear and see everything around him but cannot speak. Soon he comes to understand that Cassie’s life is still in danger. While the police continue to look for clues, only Frank holds the truth, but he’s unable to communicate it.

As the novel flashes between points of view, the listener will get closer and closer to the truth of who Cassie Jensen was, and why she was out on the road that fateful night . . .

Release dateJan 23, 2018
If You Knew Her: A Novel

Emily Elgar

Originally from the Cotswolds, Emily Elgar studied at Edinburgh University and then worked for a non-profit organization providing support services to sex workers in the UK. She went on to complete the novel writing course at the Faber Academy in 2014. She currently lives in East Sussex with her husband. If You Knew Her is her first novel.

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Reviews for If You Knew Her

Rating: 4.0759999904 out of 5 stars

125 ratings23 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a mixed bag. Some appreciate the unpredictable plot, multiple perspectives, and engaging storytelling. Others feel that the abundance of characters and timeline shifts make the story difficult to follow. The fleshed-out characters and good storyline are praised, but the ending is disliked by some. A few reviewers mention a focus on motherhood and miscarriages, which may not be expected in a mystery/thriller. Overall, the book is considered good, but some find it slow and the ending far-fetched.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This book started off well enough with a unique plot line and nicely developed characters, however the story loses itself shorty after it begins. There’s a tremendous focus on Alice’s longing to be a mother… and her miscarriages…… and how she can’t deal with those around her having kids… etc etc etc - solid 1/3rd of the book revolves around it… not exactly what I signed up for in a mystery/thriller.
    The time shifting and multi character perspectives kept the pace moderately bearable but the book would have benefitted from a bit more editing to cut the excess….
    Without spoilers the ending is…. exceptionally far fetched and over dramatic… and unfortunately the perpetrator was who I’d predicted from within the first 30min… skip this one if you prefer complex mysteries!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    fleshed out characters. really good story line. hated the ending.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I guessed who did it pretty early on however, how we got there was entertaining. Telling the story from 3 points of view kept it fresh. I recommend it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was selected to receive an Early Reviewers copy of “If You Knew Her” by Emily Elgar from the December 2017 batch on LibraryThing. The title caught my eye and then the description intrigued me. Perhaps I was even more attentive as my Mother is a nurse and so I have had the lifelong treasure of interacting with many nurses in various avenues of healthcare. ***************Description: When young, beautiful Cassie Jensen arrives unconscious to the intensive care ward at St. Catherine’s hospital after being struck in a hit-and-run while out walking her dog, chief nurse Alice Marlowe thinks she looks familiar. She starts digging deeper into Cassie’s relationships, only to discover something about her patient that she’d been keeping secret from everyone, including her devoted husband and family. Soon Alice finds herself obsessed with her patient’s past and future, even willing to put her own career on the line in her single-minded search for answers. ***************As I closed the book, I then read the back cover of the Uncorrected Proof paperback that I had received and was astounded to read the blurb about the author which shared that “If You Knew Her” is Emily Elgar’s first novel. Why astounded?I was captivated within the first pages from reading the quote, “At every moment of our lives, we all have one foot in a fairy tale and the other in the abyss” from Paulo Coehlo, “Eleven Minutes” to continuing within the pages of the Prologue. The novel continues with chapters titled Alice, Frank, and Cassie with the story presented in the first person by the characters in this ongoing chapter sequence until the novel’s end with the Epilogue. The characterizations are composed so thoroughly that each character has a vital role to the story. There are no ambiguous characters or “extras.” The reader absorbs more and more knowledge not only of the storyline but of the character emotions from different aspects dependent their relationship to Alice, Frank, and Cassie. The chapters are flow from one to another flawlessly. I have read other novels by other authors who have tried a transition between two (2) characters that has not been as seamless as Emily Elgar’s first presentation with three (3) characters. I am in awe of the writing skill and as a reader it was an amazing read of a psychological thriller with a narrative that is so much richer with this extraordinary style. It is difficult to perceive this book as a "first" novel. I hope Emily Elgar never stops writing. ♥I am also very appreciative of the Early Reviewer opportunities by LibraryThing as the process is fun and is a wonderful chance to introduce a new author to one’s reading repertoire.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The best book I have read/listened to since subscribing to scribd. It was very unpredictable, I didn’t figure out who the “killer” was until a few pages before they revealed it. I suspected every person in the book at one point or another. I also adored the narrator, her voice made for easy listening. Unlike so many others I’ve listened to. This isn’t even my typical book of choice and I loved it!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    this book was really good. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ excellent
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It was a good story, but I found it a bit slow. It took me quite a while to finish it. I wasn’t thrilled with the ending.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Too many characters and too many shifts in the timeline complicate the plot and make this a difficult story to engage in.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I got lost a lot during this book. Something didn’t quite click with me, although I found the story interesting. It’s hard to recall much about it just hours after finishing it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    1st read from this author and I just was so-so on it. I kept going back and forth from being really caught up and wanting to know whats next to feeling bored and wanting to jump ahead.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have to start with saying, the ending of this book gutted me. It was emotional, I wanted a different ending for the characters I grew to like yet somehow it was the perfect ending.Alice is a nurse at a hospital, one that works with comatose patients, and she is a lovely, caring woman. You can really get behind this character, have empathy for her in both her professional and personal life.The story is told from several points of view bringing us different perspectives and information about what’s going on. We have the nursing staff with Alice, Mary and Lizzie. Later in the book you want to throttle Lizzie (you’ll see). They interact with these comatose patients, nursing them, comforting them and hoping for improvement. We read about several of the patients, some in a passing reference because they are moved to another facility or they die. The two main comatose patients are Cassie, a woman brought into the ward after a hit and run, and Frank, a stroke victim.There are also supporting “cast members” – Cassie’s husband Jack and her mother-in-law Charlotte, Cassie’s best friend Nicky, her step-father Marcus and her neighbor Jonny.Frank is an alcoholic and one of the long term patients on the ward. While the doctors think he is in a PVS (permanent vegetative state) he is actually aware of what’s going on around him. He can’t speak, blink, move a finger to let people know he’s locked in. What a nightmare. From his point of view we learn about his previous life, the love for his daughter Lucy and what it’s like being an alcoholic. He describes addition: The addiction “pounced on me when I lost my job, it pounced on me when Ange (his wife) finally chucked him out. After that it seemed to take up residence within me, switching places with the man I tried to be, consigning Frank to the shadows, meek and withered as the beats gnawed my bones, sucking out the marrow of my life every bottle of whisky…..” Great descriptions.Cassie’s story has it’s twists and turns. She clearly misses her deceased mother April, she loves Jack but is sometimes distant from him and her best friend Nicky is like a sister. One day she witnesses something that changes her life (don't want to give spoilers). Shortly afterwards she is stuck by a car, obviously on purpose (that’s in the beginning) and left for dead. You come to wonder if she was targeted by her husband, best friend or step-father. The story builds up as we learn more about our supporting cast. I had my assumptions about what happened with Cassie but the end still surprised me. I liked reading about Cassie and her life before she went into a coma.While food was mentioned here and there, and I will note it because…I do write about books and food….it’s not a celebratory book to enjoy a meal. It starts out interesting but near the end this plot grabs you by the collar and demands your attention. Emotional ride here at the end. Ok so, there was:Salmon fillets, salad and new potatoes and wine.Homemade jam, lasagnaCroissants, prosciutto, melon and freshly squeezed orange juice(Photos of food at Novel Meals)I would recommend this author and I will most certainly look for her future publications. Well done, Emily Elgar, as you had me shed a tear at the end.Great wrap-up.I won a copy of this book from LibraryThing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Appearances can be so deceiving. Alice is the head nurse on a constant care ward. Frank, one of her patients is thought to be a hopeless case, unresponsive, in a vegetative state, only Alice believes Frank is in there somewhere. Cassie, a young woman is in a coma, a victim of a hit and run. Her husband and mother in law are devastated, and then there is a further revelation that sends them reeling.I thought this was quite well done. Alternating chapters send us back into the past of Cassie and Jack, into Frank's thoughts and Alice's life and what she finds out about Cassie's life. Well written tightly plotted, steadily paced, unique unveiling of the story. For me, one of the better novels in this genre. Although I figured out most of the reveals before the denoument, it didn't affect my enjoyment of the rest of the story. Knew the who, but not the why. A solid read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If You Knew Her is Emily Elgar's debut novel.Cassie Jensen is out walking her dog late at night when she is struck by a car. She lands in an intensive care unit under the watch of Nurse Alice. Also in the ward is a patient named Frank, locked into his body, unable to communicate that he can hear and see. And as family and friends stop by the ward to see Cassie, Alice gets the feeling that something just isn't quite right. And Frank? Oh, Frank knows something isn't right - but he has no way of telling anyone.What a great premise! We learn more about what led to this moment from Cassie's memories. There are two other POVs - Alice and Frank's. Bit by bit, the story is pieced together. Those rotating POVs had me listening to just one more chapter late into the night, seeing if I could guess the final whodunit. And guess what? I didn't! I love not being able to guess the final reveal. Each chapter does add to the mystery plot, but also explores each character's personal life though a development in the present.I chose to listen to If You Knew Her. The reader was Katey Stobey. I quite enjoyed her voice. It's pleasant to listen to, easy to understand and I thought she interpreted Elgar's work well. Her inflections and tones match the content and characters well. This was a clever debut and I can't wait to read what Elgar writes next!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A gripping story of mystery when Cassie Jensen is admitted to the intensive care ward after being hit by a car and left for dead. Also, in the same ward is Frank, who has locked-in syndrome (can see and hear everything but cannot move). The head nurse Alice tends to these patients and becomes amateur sleuth when Cassie’s hit and run is more than what it seems. Told in each of these three characters’ point of view in rotating chapters, we learn so much about them. Although, not a fast paced novel, it does have some suspense and certainly an incredible climax.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent story and writing. The characters were likeable and I found myself cheering for some and hoping for others. It always held my interest and the mystery part stayed until the end. A definite hit for the author Emily Elgar..
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If You Knew Her was an addictive read. A very suspenseful psychological thriller! My favorite kind of escape from reality book! I absolutely loved it!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Emily Elgar is definitely one to watch. "If you knew her" took me by surprise. A great thriller with well fleshed out characters. One such character, Frank, is a patient in a coma type state ; a vegetative state. As we read we realize he's suffering from locked in syndrome. Very fascinating. Keep some kleenex handy as you read also.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    "But here we are, day in, day out with our patients, their families; we see it all. Nurses are like hospital furniture. Everyone else constantly moves, the Ists get promoted, patients go home or die but we stay, steadfast, waiting to be sat on, leant on, perhaps kicked about a bit."Alice is a compassionate nurse and unit manager in Ward 9B, a small High Dependency Unit at St. Catherine’s Hospital. Patients there hover between life and death.One of her patients, Frank Ashcroft, has been on her ward for two months which is unusual for someone in his state. He had a brain stem stroke leading to a coma and Dr. Sharma wants to move him to a morgue waiting room to let him die, but Alice is optimistic that Frank can hear her during their long one-sided talks. Frank is a good listener who doesn't judge while she chats about her husband, David, and her many devastating miscarriages. All she wants to be is a good wife and mother, and when a young, pregnant female coma patient, Cassie, is admitted to her ward, she has hope that if a baby can survive in a coma patient, then maybe one could survive in her. But, someone wants to harm Cassie, and Alice will protect her and the baby at all costs.See my complete review at The Eclectic Review
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Review of Advance Reader’s CopyAlice Marlowe, chief nurse on the intensive care ward at Saint Catherine’s Hospital, oversees the care of Cassie Jensen, who was critically injured either in a fall or in a hit and run accident. Alice soon discovers that Cassie is keeping a secret from everyone, including her husband. On the same ward, Frank, a patient who can see and hear, but not move or communicate, is watching over Cassie . . . he realizes her life is still in danger. Who is the threat to Cassie? And what really happened the night she was injured?Well-developed characters and a strong sense of place build a strong foundation for this narrative. Told in the alternating voices of Alice, Frank, and Cassie, the convoluted tale spins out in a twisty plot that will keep readers glued to the pages. As unexpected reveals offer new clues and change what readers thought they knew, the story becomes unputdownable. Highly recommended.I received a free copy of this book through the LibraryThing Early Readers program
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Cassie Jensen is in a coma after being struck by a car. Chief nurse Alice Marlowe is a caring nurse who becomes very concerned about what exactly happened to Cassie and who is responsible. Frank, another patient sharing a room with Cassie is aware of who is responsible but is unable to communicate this information.I really enjoyed this book. The story is suspenseful, the characters are believable, and the ending is good.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I received this book in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed this book, it was a good read. I found that certain characters were more thought out than others. Kind of like the author wasn’t real sure who they were going to have commit the crime, I also expected more of a conspiracy with two of the characters. I didn’t necessarily like any of the characters, they all fell a little flat, the most rounded character was Frank. I didn’t like Alice’s character and I expected much more out of her. With all that said, it wasn’t my story to write and I need to stop thinking of it that way. I ended up giving this book four stars because it was an interesting read, each character had their part, large or small, they were people in a persons life...looking at it that way, everyone kind of fell into place. This book kept me reading, kept me wondering and clear to the end I wondered what happened to everyone, and just like life everyone moved on, no perfect tied up ends just a marching on. I recommend it, it was well written, I hope this author continues to write she has a great style and a talent for spinning a story. I feel with time this author could really be great.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a solid debut suspense novel. It definitely had some surprising twists. It was a unique concept as well - each chapter was from one of three characters point of view and one of the characters was in a coma. I did feel like there was more detail given to Alice's life than really was necessary for the book. I received an ARC of this book from LibrayThing.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was selected to receive an Early Reviewers copy of “If You Knew Her” by Emily Elgar from the December 2017 batch on LibraryThing. The title caught my eye and then the description intrigued me. Perhaps I was even more attentive as my Mother is a nurse and so I have had the lifelong treasure of interacting with many nurses in various avenues of healthcare. ***************Description: When young, beautiful Cassie Jensen arrives unconscious to the intensive care ward at St. Catherine’s hospital after being struck in a hit-and-run while out walking her dog, chief nurse Alice Marlowe thinks she looks familiar. She starts digging deeper into Cassie’s relationships, only to discover something about her patient that she’d been keeping secret from everyone, including her devoted husband and family. Soon Alice finds herself obsessed with her patient’s past and future, even willing to put her own career on the line in her single-minded search for answers. ***************As I closed the book, I then read the back cover of the Uncorrected Proof paperback that I had received and was astounded to read the blurb about the author which shared that “If You Knew Her” is Emily Elgar’s first novel. Why astounded?I was captivated within the first pages from reading the quote, “At every moment of our lives, we all have one foot in a fairy tale and the other in the abyss” from Paulo Coehlo, “Eleven Minutes” to continuing within the pages of the Prologue. The novel continues with chapters titled Alice, Frank, and Cassie with the story presented in the first person by the characters in this ongoing chapter sequence until the novel’s end with the Epilogue. The characterizations are composed so thoroughly that each character has a vital role to the story. There are no ambiguous characters or “extras.” The reader absorbs more and more knowledge not only of the storyline but of the character emotions from different aspects dependent their relationship to Alice, Frank, and Cassie. The chapters are flow from one to another flawlessly. I have read other novels by other authors who have tried a transition between two (2) characters that has not been as seamless as Emily Elgar’s first presentation with three (3) characters. I am in awe of the writing skill and as a reader it was an amazing read of a psychological thriller with a narrative that is so much richer with this extraordinary style. It is difficult to perceive this book as a "first" novel. I hope Emily Elgar never stops writing. ♥I am also very appreciative of the Early Reviewer opportunities by LibraryThing as the process is fun and is a wonderful chance to introduce a new author to one’s reading repertoire.