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Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories
Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories
Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories
Audiobook16 hours

Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Twelve romantic summer stories by twelve bestselling young adult authors, edited by Stephanie Perkins Maybe it's the long, lazy days, or maybe it's the heat making everyone a little bit crazy. Whatever the reason, summer is the perfect time for love to bloom. Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories, written by twelve bestselling young adult writers and edited by the international bestselling Stephanie Perkins, will have you dreaming of sunset strolls by the lake. So set out your beach chair and grab your sunglasses. You have twelve reasons this summer to soak up the sun and fall in love.
Release dateMay 17, 2016
Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories

Stephanie Perkins

STEPHANIE PERKINS has always worked with books—first as a bookseller, then as a librarian, and now as a novelist. She's the author of the international bestsellers Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door, as well as Isla and the Happily Ever After. My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories is her first anthology. Stephanie and her husband live in the mountains of North Carolina.

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Rating: 3.6725663831858406 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Audio was great. Loved having the full cast, it really brought the stories to life!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Not many anthologies get 4 stars from me, but this one was so good and I really enjoyed all of the stories in it. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for some cute YA romance.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    All things considered, I didn’t enjoy this quite as much as the previous anthology, My True Love Gave to Me. But I did like that Perkins’ story, “In Ninety Minutes, Turn North” was a sequel to her story from the previous anthology. That was unexpected and delightful - and the story itself was one of my favourites.My other favourites were “Inertia” by Veronica Roth, in which SF technology gives Claire a chance to revisit shared memories with her former ex-friend before he undergoes surgery, and “A Thousand Ways This Could All Go Wrong” by Jennifer E. Smith, about Annie, who is working at a summer day camp for young kids. I haven’t often come across autism included in stories the way it is in the latter, as a factor, a part of life, but not as the central focus. Casually yet thoughtfully handled. There should be more stories like that.And I liked how “The End of Love” by Nina LaCour unfolded, and the way time repeated in “The Map of Tiny Perfect Things” by Lev Grossman.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Stories by authors I've already tried and like? yes
    Stories by authors I haven't yet tried but now want to? yes
    Follow-up story to story in Perkins' last anthology? yes
    Illustration of Cthulhu dressed as Strawberry Shortcake old style? YES
    A variety of characters and loves? indeed

    Let me just say that in addition to writing, Perkins sure can pick 'em.

    After you've read this, and I hope nearly everyone does, do please share what you liked best.

    Library copy

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A collection of twelve short stories set during the summer with a romantic plot in them somewhere.I have to admit that this collection had more misses than hits for me when compared with Perkins previous edited collection of Holiday romances. There were still stories I enjoyed but the ratio was lower than I expected. Perkins's story was a favourite, of course, because I love everything she does but I also enjoyed Jon Skovron's Shakespearian/Wildeian tale and Jennifer E. Smith also got a win from me. Worth picking up if you like YA stories but I'd set the bar a little lower if you read and loved [My True Love Gave to Me].
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read the first collection, "My True Love Gave to Me" and I LOVED IT! I was a little scared that I had set the bar too high on this follow up, but no worries. I loved this one just as much. There is an amazing slew of teen authors who contributed to this: Francesca Lia Block (although her contribution was my least favorite, it's a darker depressing one - so basically her style), Libba Bray, Veronica Roth, Cassandra Clare, Leigh Bardugo, and more. Each story is a summer romance, but other than that they are all unique. There is a sci-fi one, a gay one, a fantasy one, a futuristic one, and more. My favorite one may have been "Last Stand at the Cinegore" because everything about that short story was hilarious and memorable. Overall, a wonderful collection that you will want to come back to time and again. I certainly plan on buying it for my personal collection!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    As it says on the tin, a collection of twelve short stories, all YA, all romance. Anthologies of this kind are almost always hit and miss, and this one is no exception. A worthwhile read on the whole, but with its clunkers (and its bright shining winners). I particularly liked "Head, Scales, Tongue, Tail" by Leigh Bardugo, "In Ninety Minutes, Turn North" by Stephanie Perkins, "Souvenirs" by Tim Federle, and "Good Luck and Farewell" by Brandy Colbert. "Brand New Attraction" by Cassandra Clare seemed especially weak (great premise; not really a story), and Veronica Roth's "Inertia" also seemed a bit more good idea than great execution. "A Thousand Ways This Could All Go Wrong" by Jennifer E. Smith was possibly the most frustrating in that there was so, so much I loved about it but in the end it didn't quite feel whole. I'm now more than ever convinced that I need to read some of the books by Bardugo I already have on my shelf, finally seek out the Colbert stuff I have on my wishlist, and probably try to remember to check out some longer work by Perkins and Smith. Recommended to YA romance fans and to completeists of any of the authors included.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    These twelve stories of summer love are (almost) as delightful as the first twelve collected in My True Love Gave to Me (almost, because there is no Rainbow Rowell story in this collection). As with any collection, there are high points and low points: I enjoyed Perkins' follow-up to her winter story, could have done without Francesca Lia Block's tale, I don't think Jon Skovron actually knows any women based on how he writes them, but I loved Lev Grossman's story and found that it ended the collection on just the right note. Fans of YA, of romance, and of short stories will enjoy these seasonal offerings.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    You might remember me reviewing My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories, edited by Stephanie Perkins last Christmas. (my review).Well, Stephanie has edited a new collection that has just released -Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories - that's just perfect to add to your beach bag.Zoom in on the cover - twelve best-selling YA authors contributed to this collection.You love their novels, so you just know you're going to love these stories. Perkins has drawn from diverse writers so the tales range from contemporary to fantasy and magical realism. You'll have your favorites, but collections also give you a chance to try new to you authors.I won't detail them all, but will mention two that I really enjoyed.In Ninety Minutes Turn North by Stephanie Perkins. Pure, unadulterated romance. Marigold and North were a couple with a direction - college together as roommates. And then North backed out. And Marigold has no idea why. Even if the romance is gone, she still wants to be friends, needs to know why it's over. So Marigold heads south to find North. Loved the characters, their dialogue, the journey, the quirkiness and especially the happily ever after. A 'day' story. (and a sequel to their story in My True Love Gave to me)Last Stand at the Cinegore by Libba Bray. This one kinda reminded me of slasher movies at the drive-in. It's the last night for the Cinegore Theatre and the last night for Kevin to let Dani know how he feels about her. If they live that long - something is seriously messed up with the film that's being shown. Quick, fun dialogue, an inventive plot (loved the on screen characters interacting), action and of course, just the right ending. A 'night' story.I love short story collections - they let you get in a quick read from start to finish wherever you are.