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Belle Revolte
Belle Revolte
Belle Revolte
Audiobook12 hours

Belle Revolte

Written by Linsey Miller

Narrated by Moira Quirk and Liz Pearce

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

From the author of the Mask of Shadows duology comes a standalone fantasy where two young women must trade lives, work together to stay alive, and end a war caused by magic and greed before it kills thousands. Emilie de Marais is more at home holding scalpels than embroidery needles and is desperate to escape her noble roots to serve her country as a physician. But society dictates a noble lady cannot perform such gruesome work. Annette Boucher, overlooked and overworked by her family, wants more from life than her humble beginnings and is desperate to be trained in magic. So when a strange noble girl offers Annette the chance of a lifetime, she accepts. Emilie and Annette swap lives?Annette attends finishing school as a noble lady to be trained in the ways of divination, while Emilie enrolls to be a physician's assistant, using her natural magical talent to save lives. But when their nation instigates a terrible war, Emilie and Annette come together to help the rebellion unearth the truth before it's too late.
Release dateFeb 4, 2020

Linsey Miller

Linsey Miller is a wayward biology student from Arkansas who has previously worked as a crime-lab intern, a neuroscience lab assistant, and a pharmacy technician. She is active in the writing community and can be found writing about science and magic anywhere there's coffee. For more information, visit her online at

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Reviews for Belle Revolte

Rating: 3.5937500208333333 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I could not put it down ! There a few predictable "reveals" but the done well.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In a world where magic can burn you out, some people with more power can pull magic from another and use it to stay alive, but usually nobles hoard their power and noblewomen use theirs mostly for looking better. They definitely don't want to use it to be a surgeon. Except Emille des Marais wants this, and when she sees an opportunity to swap with Annette Boucher she takes it. Annette always wanted this. However the changeover happens so quickly that it's hard to see how it would work. Still I enjoyed the read and would recommend it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Extremely satisfying fantasy. Two types of magic, noonday and midnight, are set apart, but are they really so different? Start with two girls, one wealthy, but feeling like her mother has locked her into a future and magic that will stifle her, the other poor and very talented, but having little hope she'll ever get a chance to develop her abilities. When wealthy Emilie spies Annette looking at a poster announcing a noted diviner will be at the school Emilie's bound for, she uses her magic to lull her mother into a doze and offers Annette the chance of a lifetime, swap places so she can learn divination and scrying in the luxury of the school. In return, Emilie will go off to learn to be a physician's hack and hopefully, one day become a physician herself. What follows is complex, involves deviousness, a most intriguing cast of characters, rebellion, romance, and a war started by the king to foil the growing rebellion sparked by an unknown who everyone calls Laurel. Yes, there's plenty of blood and violence, but that's what war brings. For those not bothered by this, it's a very well crafted and riveting story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of the best "Prince & the Pauper" stories I have read. It kept me turning pages at a furious pace as the action led me deep within the lives of the characters. Well done!!!!