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In Search of a Prince
In Search of a Prince
In Search of a Prince
Audiobook13 hours

In Search of a Prince

Written by Toni Shiloh

Narrated by Tamika Katon-Donegal

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

It Seems Like a Dream Come True … Until It Forces Her to Question Everything.

Brielle Adebayo is fully content teaching at a New York City public school and taking annual summer vacations with her mother to Martha’s Vineyard. But everything changes when her mom drops a bombshell—Brielle is really a princess
in the island kingdom of ?l?r? Ilé, off the coast of Africa, and she must immediately assume her royal position, since the health of her grandfather, the king, is failing.

Distraught by all the secrets her mother kept, Brielle is further left spinning when the ?l?r? Ilé Royal Council brings up an old edict that states she must marry before her coronation, or the crown will pass to another. Brielle is uncertain if she
even wants the throne, and with her world totally shaken, where will she find the courage to take a chance on love and brave the perils a wrong decision may bring?
Release dateFeb 1, 2022
In Search of a Prince

Toni Shiloh

Toni Shiloh is a wife, mom and multipublished Christian contemporary romance author. She writes to bring God glory and to learn more about His goodness. A member of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and of the Virginia Chapter, Toni loves connecting with readers via social media. You can learn more about her at

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Reviews for In Search of a Prince

Rating: 4.428571428571429 out of 5 stars

70 ratings17 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a beautiful and fun Christian novel with a princess theme. The story incorporates authentic everyday Christianity and the romance is clean and sweet. The narration is excellent and the African island setting is beautiful. Although the plot may be slow at times, it is still interesting and keeps readers engaged.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Who doesn't love a princess story? This novel is perfect for those who enjoy The Princess Diaries! A modern day fairytale, full of glittering royalty, this novel is written beautifully, with great descriptions of the setting and wonderful character development. The romance is sweet, albeit a bit predictable, but the story flows well and is fun to read. There is a strong thread of faith in the novel and I loved how the characters prayed before making major decisions and learned to trust God with the outcomes. This is my first novel by Toni Shiloh and I greatly enjoyed it. I cannot wait for her next one!I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Obsessed! I was on the hunt for Christian novels, and this was beautiful! Kept me on the edge of my seat!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    5 stars, Breathless and AmazingIN SEARCH OF A PRINCEby Toni ShilohBrielle Adebayo, a middle school teacher from New York finds out from her mother, that she, Bri, is a princess of the kingdom of Oloro Ile, Africa. The story is amazing, it seems so real, yet the author has used her imagination to construct a perfect kingdom that has a law on its books, that princesses must marry before they are allowed to rule. Then the search is on for the quest of the perfect prince.Highly recommend #insearchofaprince by #tonishiloh I have a special spot already picked out in my favorite bookcase, for this book to sit until I'm ready to read it again, which will be no time at all. I read my favorite books over and over again.There is danger, beautiful clothing, excitement, and an inspirational theme, all things that I adore to read in a book. Thankfully, there's no raunchy wordage, nor raunchy situations involved. A one hundred percent perfect novel.I humbly appreciate the complimentary copy of #insearchofaprince from #authortonishiloh #bethanyhousefiction. I was under no obligation to post a review.#StepIntoAShilohBook #InSearchOfAPrince #Christfic #christianroyaltyromance #Christianbooks #christiancontemporaryromance #diversefiction #diversereads #diverseauthor #BethanyHouseFiction #bethanyhousepublishers #newrelease #coverlove #bookrecommendation #royaltyromance
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    OK, before I start—can I just swoon (and maybe drool a little) over this cover and the dress, oh my, how beautiful!!Brielle Adebayo is shocked and taken aback when her mother reveals to her that she is really a princess of the island kingdom of Ọlọrọ Ilé, off the coast of Africa. Not only that, but her grandfather is gravely ill, and she has to immediately assume the duties of her position, despite the fact that she has neither been to nor heard of the island before.It's simple to empathize with her and put oneself in her place. Realistically, anyone would be nonplussed and unnerved if they were asked to do what Brielle was asked to do. Yet, Brielle leaps in with both feet, eager to take on the challenge, but only after spending time in prayer.As Brielle's best friend, accountability partner and prayer buddy, Iris is the ideal confidante and ally. It was deeply moving to observe their mutual kindness, love and mercy toward each other. I loved reading about their interactions, chiding and teasing.Shiloh crafts an extraordinary novel with brilliant plot and character development, as well as a powerful topic of faith and the perfect blend of obscuration and intrigue. She has created an island that is chimerically too good to be true, and the plot fits the backdrop. Ọlọrọ Ilé is a beautifully transcendent, magical island with a lot to offer.I received a review copy of this book from NetGalley. All opinions are my own, and I am voluntarily leaving this review.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In Search of a Prince by Toni Shiloh boasts a beautiful cover that invites the reader into the world of Ọlọrọ Ilé, an island kingdom off the coast of Africa. Descriptive world crafting by the author made this fictional island a vibrant place for Brielle’s unexpected journey from middle school teacher to royalty. Genuine feelings and thoughts laced Brielle’s new season of life and contributed to her substantial character growth. As the book synopsis for In Search of a Prince indicates, Brielle must choose a husband before she ascends the throne. Naturally, this external tension surrounds Brielle and her man. However, they complement each other so well that little romantic tension exists between the two of them. I wished for a little more conflict between personalities or within their relationship to add spark. In Search of a Prince by Toni Shiloh felt akin to The Princess Diaries movies and a bit predictable. I prefer novels with more originality, but the story’s strong emphasis on seeking God’s direction set In Search of a Prince apart from like stories. Readers who can overlook the storyline’s familiarity will find a slow-burn royal romance with strong spiritual themes and solid character development.Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a copy of this book by the author or publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    While she's enjoying her life as her mother's only daughter and being a teacher in New York, Brielle receives the shocking news that she's the granddaughter of the king of Ọlọrọ Ilé, a nation in Africa. Due to the king's failing health, Brielle is faced with the choice to leave the life she knows and to accept her position as heir to the throne. But because she must marry before her coronation, she'll have to go...In Search of a Prince by author Toni Shiloh.Well! As I suspected would happen before I was halfway through this ChristFic novel, I can now say this is my new favorite book by this author.Although I realize why the novel is published under the contemporary romance genre, romance isn't the main focus through much of this read. It's about everything that comes with Brielle's life change and royal heritage, including the history of her (fictional) country of origin and the political elements and dash of intrigue, the social and economic issues, and the dynamics of Brielle's family—with the romantic aspects of the story eventually coming more into play.And there's more than one kind of love story, here. Brielle's new, growing relationship with her grandfather is a touching one.Now, there was a hitch in the reading for me as the plot dealt with a question involving misogynistic policy, Brielle's freedom, the good of her country, and God's will. In a nutshell, I don't believe that opposing an unjust governmental decree, especially concerning something as major and permanent as the institution of marriage, would be an act of selfishness or make it impossible to show one's love for God. But I needn't unpack all of that now.Overall, I enjoyed watching Brielle come into her own, and one of her strongest scenes had me saying, "Get it, girl!" (Yup. Out loud.) And did I mention that absolutely GAWgeous book cover?I'm looking forward to returning to Ọlọrọ Ilé in the novel to follow this one._________Bethany House provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for an honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Such a delightful book, reads like a Hallmark movie!Can you imagine finding out, out of the blue, that your a Princess? That is what happens to Brielle Bayo, a young woman living in NYC, and making her living as a teacher. Talk about a life change!We travel as this young woman travels to meet the Grandfather, the king, that she has never known, a beautiful Island country, off the coast of Africa. I can just see her as she glimpses the castle for the first time, oh wow.I love that she brought her best friend with her, and her friend plays a great part in this book, and loved her creativity, and her heart!Your in for a treat as we go along on dates, recommended by the Council, and meet these prospective Princes. There are also people who do not believe this young woman should be a Princess, never mind a Queen.This is a page turner, and a treat! A bit of sweet romance, some danger, and lush surroundings.I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Bethany House, and was not required to give a positive review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    4.25 stars. Excellent narration.
    This books was fun and the African island was a beautiful place to visit. A modern day fairytale.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Interesting story once I got past the made up kingdom lol! Kind of a slow plot, but was just enough to keep it interesting! Very good narrator!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    When I started reading In Search of a Prince I thought it was going to be like the Princess Diaries. A young woman learns that her royal heritage finds out that it has been hidden from her. She travels to the country and receives opposition when she is presented as the heir to the council. That part is similar, but that is where the book diverges.I had fun reading this story. Brielle is a down-to-earth main character. She sees people as individuals and is not interested in their social status. She learns to love the small island kingdom set off the coast of Africa. In reading the pages, I came to love the culture and the people. If it wasn't a fictional island, I would love to visit. :)Brielle has an instant attraction to a palace runner. She receives a list of council-approved prospects for her husband. Tomori is not on the list because of his station in life. The book is about her struggle to find a groom while comparing all of them to him. She uses God as her compass and her faith to pick the husband who would be the best choice for the kingdom.There is an element of suspense. Toni Shiloh did a fantastic job at setting up several characters as the "bad guy". I hate to admit that I was blindsided when all was revealed at the end.This is a perfect book for anyone who imagined they were really a princess as a child. (That would be me.) The characters in the book are Christian who have a lot of faith and offer prayers in the dialogue.Source: I received a complimentary copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved this soooo much!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Romance with a big dash of modern day fantasy. A young woman finds out that she is the descendent of a prince from a small country in Africa. She had no idea - and is very mad at her mother for a while - but she agrees to go meet the grandfather that she never knew and find out more about this part of her family she never knew about. She and her best friend are whisked off in a private jet where they disembark, meet a handsome bodyguard/driver, and are set up in a suite of palatial rooms right on the beach. It sounds like the stuff of fairy tales and for Brielle it is - except for the fact that her newly found grandfather is dying and tells her that he wants her to become her successor. Brielle has many decisions to make, and eventually that will include who she will marry as the Governing council decrees that she must marry before she can ascend to the throne. This book was pure fun to read. Readers who enjoy hallmark movies and modern day fairy tales will lap this up. Enjoy!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What a fun book. I loved all the history and the way a princess plus God can make things better for a country. The narrator did a great job too!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fun sort of Princess Diaries featuring a New York middle school teacher who learns she's the princess of a small African nation, and her grandfather is requesting that she consider being his heir. I loved how the author incorporated aspects of authentic everyday Christianity throughout. The story is fun, it has more depth than a typical princess story, and the romance is clean and sweet. The narrator was perfect to do the voices for this.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved that God was the center of each character. Bri and Maury followed God’s leading.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In Search of a Prince by Toni Shiloh is a stand-alone novel. When Brielle Bayo learns that she is a princess, she travels to the island off the coast of Africa to meet her grandfather. Will she accept her royal responsibilities or abdicate the throne? This is the story of Brielle’s struggle to make a decision regarding her life as a royal. The storyline was very predictable. It had the feel of a movie from a few years ago. The names were hard to pronounce. I did like the character of Iris. She was a great supporting friend. The romance was a little rushed but very sweet. If you’re in the mood for a little royal intrigue then this is definitely the story for you!I received this book from the publisher for my honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In Search of A Prince is a wonderful fairytale romance but with so much more. Author Toni Shiloh has created an exotic kingdom on an African island complete with its own language, laws, and stunning landscapes. As she states in the afterword, she did a lot of research to make the setting and the people ring true. At the heart of the story is a young woman finally discovering her roots. Her transformation from Bri Bayo to Princess Brielle Adebayo isn’t easy, but with her faith, Bri weathers naysayers and her own doubts. There is a prominent spiritual thread woven throughout the book with many of the characters leaning on God to find their direction and purpose. That’s probably the strongest part of the book, although the romance is no slouch either. ? Bri and Mori are the perfect marriage of convenience couple — friends first and foremost, sharing a common faith and love of country. Their romance will have you sighing! Supporting characters are well-developed — I cannot wait for book 2 to find out more of Iris’ story. There’s also a bit of a mystery involved with a resolution you will not see coming.Exotic locale, great characters, swoon-y romance, kissing scenes . . . what are you waiting for!Recommended.Audience: adults(Thanks to Bethany House for a complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)