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Stolen City
Stolen City
Stolen City
Audiobook12 hours

Stolen City

Written by Elisa A. Bonnin

Narrated by Marisol Ramirez

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

The city of Leithon is under Imperial occupation, and Arian Athensor has made it her playground.

In stealing magical artifacts for the Resistance, bounding over rooftops to evade Imperial soldiers, and establishing herself as the darling thief of the underground, Arian lives a life wrapped in danger and trained toward survival. She’ll steal
anything for the right price, and if she runs fast enough, she can almost escape the fact that her mother is dead, her father is missing, and her brother, Liam, is hiding a wealth of power in a city that has outlawed magic.

But then the mysterious Cavar comes to town with a job for the twins: steal an artifact capable of ripping the souls from the living—the same artifact that used to hang around the neck of their mother. Suddenly, Arian’s past is no longer buried
under adrenaline but intimately tied to the mission at hand, and she must face her guilt and pain head-on in order to pull off the heist.

As Arian and Cavar infiltrate the strongest fortress in Leithon and Liam joins the Resistance as their resident mage, the twins find themselves embroiled in court politics and family secrets, and the mission becomes more than just another
artifact theft. The target is now the Imperial rule, and Arian will do whatever is necessary to steal her city back.
Release dateSep 20, 2022

Elisa A. Bonnin

Elisa A. Bonnin was born and raised in the Philippines, after which she moved to the United States to study chemistry and later oceanography. After completing her doctorate, she moved to Germany, where she now works as a scientific writer. A lifelong learner, Elisa is always convinced that she should “maybe take a class in something” and as a result, has amassed an eclectic collection of hobbies. But writing will always be her true love. Publishing a book has been her dream since she was eight years old, and she is thrilled to finally be able to share her stories. She is the author of Dauntless and Stolen City.

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