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The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code
The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code
The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code
Audiobook7 hours

The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code

Written by Margalit Fox

Narrated by Pam Ward

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

In the tradition of Simon Winchester and Dava Sobel, The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code tells one of the most intriguing stories in the history of language, masterfully blending history, linguistics, and cryptology with an elegantly wrought narrative.

When famed archaeologist Arthur Evans unearthed the ruins of a sophisticated Bronze Age civilization that flowered on Crete 1,000 years before Greece's Classical Age, he discovered a cache of ancient tablets, Europe's earliest written records. For half a century, the meaning of the inscriptions, and even the language in which they were written, would remain a mystery.

Award-winning New York Times journalist Margalit Fox's riveting real-life intellectual detective story travels from the Bronze Age Aegean-the era of Odysseus, Agamemnon, and Helen-to the turn of the 20th century and the work of charismatic English archeologist Arthur Evans, to the colorful personal stories of the decipherers. These include Michael Ventris, the brilliant amateur who deciphered the script but met with a sudden, mysterious death that may have been a direct consequence of the decipherment; and Alice Kober, the unsung heroine of the story whose painstaking work allowed Ventris to crack the code.
Release dateSep 23, 2013

Margalit Fox

Margalit Fox is a journalist, writing for the New York Times. Originally trained as a linguist, her previous book Talking Hands was about the remarkable 'signing village' of Al-Sayyid where only sign language is used. Previously an editor at The New York Times Book Review, Margalit has written numerous articles on language, culture and ideas for The Times, New York Newsday, Variety and other publications.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I found this book quite interesting but I admit that few people probably would be as interested in the topic of deciphering a lost language. Tablets were found in Crete featuring a previously unknown language. There were no indications of whether it was phonetic or hieroglyphic based. The discoverer of the tablets was slow in releasing the scripts which frustrated those attempting to decipher it. One of those was an American lady named Alice Kober. She was able to lay the ground work that allowed subsequent linguists to assign sounds to the symbols and translate the scripts. Alas, she died before her job was completed but her work was picked up by an English man named Michael Ventris.The book gave examples of the symbols and charted the course taken by these and others involved in the project. I was able to follow most of the steps involved. It truly was quite fascinating.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    You have to have certain interests probably to enjoy this book as much as I did. The audio version was outstanding, very well read! The book itself was well researched and well explained to the non-expert reader, and enough personal information and historical information was included, keeping it from being too dry to listen to.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fascinating history of how the ancient language Linear B was deciphered, and the previously little known history of the woman, Alice Kober, who provided the key to deciphering it. This book was very well written, and while definitely not someone who can crack even simple myself, the logic of how this language was deciphered is very clearly laid out and easy to follow.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a thrill a minute. If you are very geeky. I tore through it -- the story of the deciphering of Linear B, with special emphasis on the role of Brooklyn College professor Alice Kober. Her contributions have not always been widely recognized, mostly because she was a woman working in a very male-dominated field. The author did a fabulous job with telling the story in a very clear and straightforward way. The linguistics information never gets too dense, however I never felt like it was too dumbed down. A good sense of the personalities of the various Linear B players comes through, but never with the sense that the author has started turning them into fictional characters. The primary source material is well selected and nicely incorporated into the book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The pull of an undeciphered ancient script comes not only from the fact that its discoverer cannot read it, but also from the knowledge that once long ago, someone could.As someone who had no previous knowledge of the discovery of Linear B and the eventual deciphering of it, this book was absolutely fascinating. I decided to read this after seeing a positive review of the book. I was wary that the book was going to be dry and somewhat boring but I needn't have worried because this was a vibrant yet informative book.Margalit Fox covers not only Alice Kober but also Sir Arthur Evans and Michael Ventris. All three played critical roles in the discovery or eventual deciphering of Linear B. I liked that while Fox tended to focus on Kober, she also spent plenty of time discussing Evans and Ventris. The author shows a clear disdain for Evans and I feel like her disdain really overtakes her section on Evans. Fox also shows a sort of disdain towards Ventris and really drives home her point that he would never have been able to decipher Linear B without Kober's previous work on the subject. While Fox clearly admires the work that Kober has done I was glad that that her section on Kober didn't turn into hero worship.Reading this book has made me want to know more about Linear B and also the still undeciphered Linear A. Fox mentions other books that have discussed these topics and they all seem so fascinating and I look forward to one day reading those as well.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Being a history nerd, I went into The Riddle of the Labyrinth hoping to find a twisty linguistic mystery I might be able to keep in my back pocket for my World History classes. What I was thrilled to find running parallel to that mystery was a lovely biography of the woman who helped solve it.

    In 1900, clay tablets bearing unfamiliar symbols were discovered on the Mediterranean island of Crete, believed to be from a civilization that flowered 1,000 years before the Classical Age of Greece. For years archaeologists and linguists studied the script, now known as Linear B, attempting to break the writing down to its most basic form and find a key to the mystery of the civilization.

    By mid-century, classics professor Alice Kober had inched close to discovering that key, working painstakingly by hand with few resources and little help. However, her work was often overlooked and her opportunities cut off due to her gender. Across the world unassuming architect, Michael Ventris, had been given every opportunity for success, despite his lack of schooling. Through floundering mistakes, Ventris eventually used the patterns that Kober laid out to become the recognized decipherer of Linear B.

    I was thrilled by how much The Riddle of the Labyrinth surprised me. I thought I would spend much of the book trying to wrap my mind around the Linear B puzzle, but I could not stop thinking about Alice Kober and her work. The pictures of the coding system she created by hand on scraps of paper during the paper shortage in World War II are absolutely incredible. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of time and devotion that goes into creating a database by hand...and then cutting it small enough to fit into cigarette cartons. She is beyond fascinating. But my heart just broke repeatedly for her, as she was such a victim of the time she was living in. Imagine what should could have done living in 2013, with that drive and ferocity!

    While it would be easy to make Michael Ventris out to be a villain in the story, Margalit Fox draws beautiful parallels between the two researchers. Both Kober and Ventris were, at times, highly unappreciated and underestimated by the academic community, though for different reasons. They both held strong to beliefs about the texts that, once deciphered, wound up quite wrong. In the end, the mystery behind Linear B was uncovered by the combination of their work, not solely one or the other.

    The Riddle of the Labyrinth is a surprising blend of ancient and contemporary history that will have you turning over language, gender and the rigor of academic research.
    (posted at
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Margalit Fox’s Riddle of the Labyrinth is a wonderful book about two triumphant nerds whose lives are cut short. In her day job, obituaries editor at the New York Times, Margalit Fox is familiar with the life and death of the famous and the not so famous. Alice Kober and Michael Ventris are without doubt part of the second category despite their important contribution to the knowledge of ancient history. Outsiders both, they deciphered Linear B as Mycenaean Greek. The actual deciphering was achieved by the English architect Michael Ventris, while much of the methodological approach was developed by the chain-smoking New Yorker Alice Kober, a classics teacher version of Helene Hanff. Both Kober and Ventris were extreme introverts, living in and for their archaeological dream.Both were hampered in their undertaking by bureaucracy and ignorant professionals who jealously guarded “their” materiel, sometimes for decades. British archaeologist Arthur Evans who discovered the tablets sat on his discovery far too long and prevented others from doing what he himself had neither interest nor aptitude. The book is thus an indirect plea for open access and crowd-sourcing: All bugs are shallow if one throws sufficient eyeballs on a problem. Grants should be structured that they require early and full online access to the material, so that others can join (and surpass) the grantees. All too often, institutions hinder progress by cutting off access and preventing especially unorthodox approaches.While the book is somewhat biased against the amateur Michael Ventris, it is a nice tribute to Alice Kober who deserves to be better known. The early tragic deaths of both protagonists will probably prevent the book from reaching the wide circulation it deserves. The names of Kober and Ventris will join the ranks of the deciphered but unknown listed in the Linear B tablets.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Fascinating detective story about the dedication and brilliance needed to decode an unknown script whose underlying language wasn't known.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Joy's review: Really fun reading about three brilliant and obsessed individuals who tried to crack the code of Linear B. Hard going in time before computers or today's instant collaboration. They also had the bad luck to be interrupted by a couple of world wars! An excellent narrative history.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fascinating account of how an ancient script was cracked, to a large part thanks to the plodding, incredibly labor-intensive, and unacknowledged work of one woman, Alice Kober. I had never even imagined that there would be a way to crack an unknown script of an unknown language; yet she quietly worked away at it on her free time in the days where there were no computers, doing everything manually. It's simply mind-boggling. And heartbreaking that she didn't live to complete it; rather (on retrospect) having her precious remaining time wasted by an older scholar who didn't even appreciate her contributions or her genius.It was also a glimpse of how difficult it was for women to break into the academic word in that era...although I'm sure it's still challenging for women today.The only thing that i didn't like was the rambling beginning chapter, which was repetitive and didn't get anywhere.An eye-opening read, recommended!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "The pull of an undeciphered ancient script comes not only from the fact that its discoverer cannot read it, but also from the knowledge that once, long ago, someone could. To Evans, the scribes of Knossos were real people who had set down the workings of their Bronze Age world, precisely and deliberately, on pieces of wet clay. Men could read those tablets once."Margalit Fox does an outstanding job of piecing together the deciphering of what came to be known as Linear B tablets. These clay tablets were found on Crete and dated from around 1500 BC.In her introduction, Fox introduces the three main characters of the decoding project: Arthur Evans, the "digger," Alice Kober, the "detective," and Michael Ventris, the "architect." Fox reveals that one of the main reasons for writing this book is to bring Kober's achievements to light. Since Kober was very much a woman in a man's world as she worked on the tablets for about twenty years until her death in 1950, Fox feels that Kober was never given credit for her contributions.Fox uses pictures and diagrams to help with her explanations, which I found to be clear, even when she discusses the technicalities involved in decoding an unknown language. In fact, the story is riveting.I won't give away the solution here -- I'll just say that the decoding of the tablets has increased greatly our understanding of the past.Fascinating book -- highly recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code is an appealing non-fiction account of the deciphering of the script Linear B and in particular the woman who was vital to its solution.In 1900 archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans uncovered a catch of fired clay tablets in Crete, the earliest writing ever discovered in Europe. These tablets were inscribed with two unknown writing systems – Linear A and Linear B. There were not enough samples of Linear A for it to be decoded (it still hasn’t to this day), but there were over 2,000 tablets containing Linear B. If these tablets could be translated, they would provide a wealth of information about a complex civilization that predated Homer. The catch? They were written in an unknown writing system encoding an unknown language, and there was nothing like the Rosetta Stone to help archaeologists out. Linear B was the great puzzle of the 20th century.Linear B was eventually cracked by an amateur, an architect named Michael Ventris, but Ventris was building upon the intensive work of Alice Kobar, a classics professor who’s contributions to the solving of Linear B has gone almost unnoticed.Fox divides The Riddle of the Labyrinth into three sections, telling the stories of Evans, Kobar and Ventris. She clearly explains the science of the linguistics and cryptology involved, making a complex subject generally accessible, and crafts a fascinating book.I highly recommend The Riddle of the Labyrinth to anyone with a passing interest in history, linguistics, or archaeology.Originally posted The Illustrated Page.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting short work on the 3 people most responsible for finding and then decyphering the written language known as Linear B. That is a script found on Crete at Knossos and then other locations in Aegean. The first to be profiled is Evans who discovered the tablets - in fine shape at the ruins of King Minos' palace at Knossos. As an archeologist, he was able to find them but didn't really make much sense of them. There was no Rosetta stone to use to figure it all out. The 2nd person is Alice Kober - who is the unsung person who spent the bulk of her short life trying to figure it out and came very close but while missing the final decyphering by her death she put in place rigorous analytical models and methods that are still being used today. The final person is the amateur Ventris who finally cracked the code building on Kober's work and finding out that Linear B was not Etruscan (as he thought) or some form of Polynesian (as some theories said) but rather just an ancient form of Greek. Greek hadn't yet appropriated the Phoenician script that it uses today (as we all use today) but rather wrote Greek using this Cretan script. Tough nut to crack - but they figured it out. Well laid out story outlining this.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I've been a sucker for the Minoans since I did a school project on them in grade six, and I've always had a fascination with writing systems.This brook brings the two together beautifully stepping through the techniques to decrypt linear B - baically the Bletchley Park of 1300 BC.The book's clear, well written, and explains the concepts clearly - no knowledge of Mycenean Greek or cryptography required - it's a detective story, and an utterly facinating one ...
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In our current era of hackers who break into computer code this story highlights real people who by dint of what we would now think of as primitive resources such as 3x5 cards and diligent searching and matching and mathematical skill uncover the secrets of Linear B. At first blush Linear B looks like chicken scratches on clay tablets. It was in fact a written language at first thought to be Minoan. Later at the end of the search it was deemed to be very early Greek (about 500 years early). A key player, who was never recognized for her efforts, was the American Alice Kober, a classist who died just before the big discovery. The baton of cryptogaphy was picked up by Micheal Ventris, an eccentric English architect. He made the final breakthrough. The participants in this real drama are bought to life in this historical detective stroy, copiously illustrated with Linear B with an attractive book cover and very artistic artwork on the inner flaps.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fascinating history of how people teased meaning out of an unknown language on tablets found on Crete. Excellent narration.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A well written history on the people who solved the puzzle of Linear B. The account gives proper credit to the woman, Alice Kobler, whose research and methods were instrumental in deciphering the Mycenean script, but whose work had been overlooked.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A compelling story, very much in the style of Simon Winchester. Focussed more on the personalities involved than the technical details of the work - but then I suppose there are other books out there which are a bit drier!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The most interesting story is that of Margalit Fox, and I would like to have known more about her.Learning the mystery of the labyrinth was ok, but the story did not have momentum after the death of Fox.