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Audiobook8 hours


Written by Eve Langlais

Narrated by Chandra Skyye

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Rafe thought once he found all the artifacts, he'd finally understand, and the prophecy would set him free. Instead, he finds himself leading what remains of the Rhomanii clans into the far reaches of the unknown, looking for . . . he doesn't know what. But the pirate in him sure hopes it involves treasure.

So much is riding on this gamble he's taking, and the voices in his head aren't helping matters. Compounding the problem? Not everybody wants him to succeed.

What will happen when they reach their final destination? Will this be the start of a new Rhomanii life, or the end of everything they've ever known?
Release dateApr 25, 2017

Eve Langlais

New York Times and USA Today bestseller, Eve Langlais, is a Canadian romance author who is known for stories that combine quirky storylines, humor and passion.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The King is second in The White Years Quartet, but 6th in The Original Sinners series overall. Author Tiffany Reisz focuses here on Kingsley Edge's character who is Soren's closest friend. I read The Siren first and became hooked onto this series, then I read The Saint and now my third read is The King. I recommend reading them in this order as well, because you need to read The Siren first especially to kick-start the books then these next two White Years installments really give plenty of background into these characters.It is hard to review series books without rambling or giving too much away or sounding confusing to those who have not read the series, but I will say, this series does not let down.I was eager to read about Kingsley Edge. He and Soren are more than just friends, there is love here. Also, here you get to see Soren telling Kingsley about Eleanor and having fallen in love with her.This book shows how Kingsley started up his famous BDSM club and what he went through to get everything going. Kingsley has a dark past and that is also revealed here as are his tendencies for drugs and alcohol. He is your edgy, tortured hero but his soft side peeks through sometimes. Also in this book is Sam, a woman who Kingsley hires as his secretary and the two become fast friends. Let me say, without giving too much away, I love, love, loved their friendship and the way Kingsley falls for her even though he tries not to. I'm a sucker for that type of I want you, but can't have you, but will still pine for you romance especially when it unexpectedly comes from a tough as nails type guy.While this installment was a fun read, it had a much more dark vibe to it and there weren't as many laughs as the previous books. I also found there was alot more sex here and it gets very dark at times because of Kingsley wanting to feel pain.I want to read all in the series and this one gave plenty of insight into Kingsley and Soren's relationship, which was interesting. These two almost ended up together a long time ago and they are really bonded. These two are soul mates, there is no denying that."These were the words his soul needed...It was like drinking a single sip of the finest red wine and forever chasing that taste in every glass he raised to his lips."p.250, The King by Tiffany ReiszSo, If you are looking for a sexy, edgy, well written series that pushes all boundaries, look no further than Tiffany Reisz's The Original Sinners books. You will be hooked in no time.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Awesome book. Puts 50 Shades to shame and shows a more real side (though not totally realistic) side of BDSM. The only thing I did not enjoy was the last chapter/epilogue. It was totally off base and should have been saved for the next book in the series rather dumped on the end of this one. It tried to wrap up the lose ends of 350 pages in 10 pages. Not a good way to bring closure for your readers. Had it not been for the last chapter would have been a 5 star book!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I was enjoying this series and the Original Sinners series as well with Nora. Yet I could not get into this book at all. Which surprised me as I like Soren and Kingsley. Yet what I found lacking was the emotional connection and the storyline. I was put off by Kingsley as I found him a little colder in this book. Also I was turned off by the male on male sex scene in the beginning. Not that I am a prude as I have read many erotic stories including all genres like f/f, m/m, f/m/f, m/m/f, m/m/m/m/f, s/m, etc. So again I could have been fine with this story being male on male driven but the story was not really going anyway. It seemed like it was just more about sex. I only got about a third of the way in and put the book down. My least favorite book in the series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Title - The KingAuthor - Tiffany ReiszSummary - Kingsley Edge has been many things to many people over the years. But upon visiting a friend, he remembers how he became who he is today. How he came to be found by a man he can never have, but in whose arms he is reborn. How he came to be introduced to the teenage girl who would bring them both back to being the men they were and would be even greater than again.This is the story of how Kingsley Edge and Soren found each other again and built the ultimate BDSM club ever. A playground for New York's rich and decadent that would change the view on how the city looked at this sex club forever.Kingsley was on a downward spiral when Soren found him again. Drugs and drink and risky sex all melded to drive him to an early grave. But Soren reminded Kingsley of who they were and though they could never love one another like that again, they would always have the care for one another. After all, Kingsley had a girlfriend now, and Soren was a priest."...He's a Catholic priest," Kingsley yelled at them. The girls booed. "He's not." Soren called out to them. The girls cheered. "I can't have sex for two weeks," Kingsley reminded him. "you know you can spend time with someone you're attracted to without have sex with them." "You really have lost your mind..."But Kingsley comes to the decision that who he is cannot be wrong. What is needed is a place for someone with his desires and lust to be free. Someplace that didn't exist but would need to be created. To build the club Kingsley and his new assistant Sam must fight the city, a religious fanatic bent on sending teenagers to reprogramming camps if they feel any desire for same sex and betrayal from his own.This is Kingsley Edge. And this is how it begins.Review - Tiffany Reisz writes BDSM erotica with feeling and thought that the sex itself is at times an after thought to the daily lives of her characters. The sex is the natural flow of how they live. Forbidden by so many and misunderstood and judged by others; their sexual appetites become precious to them. A treasure worth fighting for and protecting. A part of them they will not hide and will not compromise.The character of Kingsley Edge is so well developed by Reisz that he carries this novel, the first where he is the main character I believe, with ease and humor. When I first read Reisz and the character of Kingsley was introduced to me as a reader, he seemed far different than who he is here. A dark and powerful character. Capable of power and deeds that made him a menacing figure. Here he is much different. Vulnerable. Suicidal. Lost and without direction. Spending his days and nights in a daze of drugs and alcohol and random, brutal sex. It is the return of Soren that changes that, and the favor he asks. That Kingsley help a young girl get out of jail. A troubled young girl that Soren is falling in love with. A young girl names Nora.Reisz explores deeply the relationship between the two men. A relationship that has woven itself through the fabric of all the preceding novels of this series. A past of pain and tragic loss. Of love found and unable to be kept. But here it is not told through the memories and narrative of others but through the very lives of the characters themselves. Kingsley and Soren, both so dominant, seem unbelievably human.In that this novel may be her riskiest. Not for the sexual content, but the emotional exploration of Kingsley and Soren. The deeper part of themselves. A very good read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    4.5 "Love Inspires the Building of a Kingdom" stars! The King is definitely one of the most unique reads I have read all year, and my first M/M read ever! Yes, that's right, I'm probably the only person who has gone on to read The White Years Quartet prior to The Red Years Quartet. Interestingly, I'm enjoying the series this way, and have had no trouble following it, as I feel like I'm getting to see how it all began in chronological order. I'm sure this gives me a different perspective from most, and is not the recommended reading order, but I'm loving it so far. In fact, The Saint, the first book in the White Years Quartet, is at the very top of my favorite books from 2014! The King is also powerfully moving, full of deep religious symbolism and erotically charged; but features a lot less of my favorite Original Sinners' character, Sub Eleanor Schreiber who later becomes Dom Nora Sutherlin in the Red Years Quartet. In The King, we learn Kingsley Edge's story. Not only do we get to hear how he and Soren fell in love, but we also learn how his love for Soren inspired the creation of the ultimate BDSM Kingdom for Manhattan's kinkiest. Thus we get to experience the creation of the Kingdom which is later ruled by the trinity of Kingsley, Soren and Nora, and which forms the backdrop for The Red Years Quartet. This story, however, is not all butterflies and rainbows. The beginning grew out of a troubled time for Kingsley. Having lost his one true love, Kingsley is a man devoid of happiness. A lover of many, who uses drugs to dull the pain, but is nevertheless incapable of feeling. The only person he believes capable of making him feel, Soren, is now a priest and thus forbidden. Soren, however, is compelled to seek Kingsley's help to save Eleanor and they are once again reunited. It is this union, and reaquaintance with his muse, that inspires Kingsley to build Soren's safe haven. When Kingsley, however, finds himself on the wrong side of a right-wing evangelical, his vision is nearly dashed before it can begin, and his friends' loyalties are challenged. Can sheer will and determination triumph in a duel of ideologies?Interestingly, there is also a secondary forbidden love story embedded in this unique romance. One that will cause Kingsley to question his usual proclivities, and which will leave you, the reader, looking at love and friendship in a whole new light.Without a doubt, Tiffany Reisz is the Goddess of erotic, symbolic, forbidden romance. Her writing really is in a class all of its own, and I, for one, can't wait for the next installment in the Original Sinners series, The Virgin, which is presently scheduled to be released in March of 2015!Source: Review copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.