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A Secret History of Brands: The Dark and Twisted Beginnings of the Brand Names We Know and Love
A Secret History of Brands: The Dark and Twisted Beginnings of the Brand Names We Know and Love
A Secret History of Brands: The Dark and Twisted Beginnings of the Brand Names We Know and Love
Audiobook6 hours

A Secret History of Brands: The Dark and Twisted Beginnings of the Brand Names We Know and Love

Written by Matt MacNabb

Narrated by Matt Godfrey

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

We live our lives immersed in name brand products. It's hard to drive down the street without seeing a plethora of chain restaurants, car dealerships, branded clothing they're all around us. What most of us don't know is that the origins of many of the most well-known and beloved brands in the world are shrouded in controversy, drug use and sometimes even addled with blatant racism.

A Secret History of Brands cuts through the rumors and urban legends and paints a picture of the true dark history of famous brands, like Coca-Cola, Hugo Boss, Adidas, Ford, Bayer, Chanel and BMW among others. Explore the mystery of the cocaine content of Coca-Cola, the Hitler-Henry Ford connection and why Bayer is famous for asprin, but began their journey with Heroin, and how Kellogg's Corn Flakes were crafted to deter sexual arousal. Thoroughly researched, MacNabb details firsthand conducted interviews alongside fairly weighed research to present the decisive view of brands histories that you haven't heard of yet.
Release dateDec 28, 2021

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very interesting and entertaining. I learned a lot and enjoyed it! There are some very interesting stories about the brands around us.