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Unbreakable: How I Turned My Depression and Anxiety Into Motivation and You Can Too
Unbreakable: How I Turned My Depression and Anxiety Into Motivation and You Can Too
Unbreakable: How I Turned My Depression and Anxiety Into Motivation and You Can Too
Audiobook6 hours

Unbreakable: How I Turned My Depression and Anxiety Into Motivation and You Can Too

Written by Jay Glazer

Narrated by Jay Glazer

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Jay Glazer—a top NFL insider on Fox NFL Sunday, an MMA coach, actor, and a veteran advocate and founder of MVP (Merging Vets and Players)—offers honest, in your face advice and insights gleaned from his fight through depression and anxiety, his successful careers in NFL journalism and business, as well as his work with military vets struggling with PTSD; the result is a relentless, unapologetic, and no-nonsense approach to overcoming your self-doubts, fears, and excuses… with the goal of becoming Unbreakable.

In Unbreakable, Jay Glazer talks directly to you, his teammates, and shares his truth. All the success from his screeching-and-swerving joy ride through professional football, the media, the MMA fighting world, Hollywood, the military-warrior community, comes with a side of relentless depression and anxiety. Living in the gray, as Jay calls it, is just a constant for him. And, in order to work through and work better, Jay knows he has to keep going, to be of service, to believe in himself when no one else will, and be stronger, tougher, and more dedicated than anyone. Unbreakable is his story of how he has done this in all of his many endeavors—a relentless insider who won’t quit talking or take his foot off the gas, whether detailing how he got his big break inside the NFL (it involves a friendship with Michael Strahan that seems too unlikely even for Hollywood) or helping veterans fight for their lives in gyms around the country or playing himself on the hit show Ballers, Jay’s ability to laugh at himself and take on his mental struggles has given him a clarity, toughness, and openness that few people can rival.

Throughout Unbreakable, Jay will use his stories—featuring some of the biggest, baddest, and most fascinating characters in the public eye today—to tackle the toughest subjects by making you laugh. He will also use them as motivation to outline a prescriptive plan for you to get to the top of your game, whatever your game is, and to stop making excuses. He will show you how to use your insecurities, your own battles with mental health, to get where you need to go, scars and all.

Especially scars and all.

Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.

Release dateJan 25, 2022

Jay Glazer

Jay Glazer is a TV personality and National Football League (NFL) insider for FOX Sports’ award-winning NFL pregame studio show, FOX NFL Sunday. The entire cast, including Glazer, became the first sports show inducted into the Television Hall Of Fame in 2019. He is also part of FOX’s Thursday Night Football. He was one of the first ever minute by minute breaking online news reporters in the NFL, first for in 1999, followed by  In 2007, Glazer created the first mixed martial arts training program for pro athletes in America and has trained over 1,000 pro athletes. In 2014, he co-founded the Unbreakable Performance Center, a private training facility frequented by Wiz Khalifa, Chris Pratt, and Demi Lovato, as well as numerous NFL, NHL and MMA athletes. Glazer starred as himself in all five seasons of HBO’s Ballers. In 2015, Glazer and former U.S. Army Green Beret Nate Boyer founded the charitable organization MVP (Merging Vets and Players) to assist combat veterans and former professional athletes, who often faced a tough road adjusting to civilian life. 

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Rating: 4.152173936231884 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a great read that addresses the hardships of depression and anxiety. The book is inspiring and provides examples of how these conditions can be overcome. It is recommended for anyone and everyone.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I've never ever read a book in one day in my entire life, but once I started this book I couldn't turn it off... Thank you Jay for taking the time to put yourself out there, and how the paralysis of depression and anxiety effects so many people today. But, also inspiring examples of how it is beatable...

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Just trust me - read. this. book. Bravo, Jay. Great read for anyone and everyone.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Finished this in two days! If I didn't have to work, it would have been in less than one. I struggle with depression and anxiety and unlike other books on the subject, Jay actually addresses the hardship that comes with them. Following his advice got me to open up to my wife in a way that neither of us thought possible. Thank you Jay Glazer!!!!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved, loved, loved this book. Janelle is such a wonderful main character. She's strong, smart, and badass. I love the way she cares for her family and friends and will do anything to keep them safe. I was also surprised at how much Norris made me like Taylor Barclay. This is a different YA series. After all, how many of books are there about parallel universes? Although I did read somewhere on the internet that this was just going to be a two books series, I can see where there's potential to keep this series going on forever (Janelle could just keep having adventures in other universes and maybe join the IA). That would be awesome. I think the author and publishers need to rethink this two book idea. ;)
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    There better be Ben in this one..:P
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    NOTE: Please keep in mind that this review contains necessary spoilers for Unraveling, the first book in this series. As much as I tried to write this without spoiling the first book, it became apparent that doing so is practically impossible. Nothing I mention will be worse than what's already in the summary for this book, but I just wanted to mention it all the same!Unbreakable picks up four months after the events of Unraveling. Janelle's world is a mess, Ben has gone back to his own world, and Janelle is still reeling in the aftermath of everything that happened to her and those she loves. Pretty quickly into Unbreakable, though, a new problem arises in the form of Interverse Agent Taylor Barclay, who comes to Janelle with some pretty devastating news: Ben is in some serious trouble, and Barclay needs Janelle's help to try to figure out who's actually responsible for the situation. Not only that, but one of Janelle's friends has gone missing, and Barclay is pretty sure that her disappearance ties into the whole mess with Ben."I'm trying to compliment you," Barclay says. "Can't you just say thanks?"What I loved the most about this book is the fact that Janelle is incredibly strong and stubborn. She's determined to help where necessary, and while she misses Ben, she doesn't allow her sadness to overwhelm her. There is just something very satisfying about reading a book from the point of view of an extremely well-written, well-crafted main character, and it's Janelle's strong narration that really helps pull the reader into the story. I also adored Barclay and Janelle's relationship. He's tough and arrogant, but he really brought out the best in her, and made her believe in herself and attempt things she otherwise would not have. I couldn't believe the situations he put her in, and the way she flourished and did what needed to be done. It was just a very satisfying partnership, for lack of a better word, and one I thoroughly enjoyed reading about."That's how I am where I am, baby."Oh yeah, the smugness is back and it's bad.I am the first to admit that I did not like Barclay at all in Unraveling. And yet, I found myself swooning rather horribly over him in this book. I don't necessarily subscribe to the tough love approach, and that's basically what he was doing with Janelle in Unbreakable. But at the same time, he was also soft with her when necessary. For a guy who's exceedingly arrogant - with good reason, mind - he seemed to know when to give a little and just provide the support she needed. I also loved that we got some background on him, because it really helped put his character in perspective. He was a fascinating character, one who was tough, stubborn and bad-ass when required, but also willing to provide a shoulder for her to lean on. The way they interacted with each other was amazingly well-written, with quick quips, fiery comebacks and sharp retorts, but also gentle admonishments and easy humor. I just came away from this book really loving him a whole lot, to the point where he actually out-shined Ben, which I wouldn't have thought was possible, considering how much I loved him in the first book. But Barclay was just really amazing. ♥Unbreakable has the same quick pace and breakneck action of Unraveling, but in some ways, the stakes in this book are even higher. There's a lot of danger and intrigue, and quite a lot of darkness; some of the things Janelle does had me flinching and trying to read through my fingers, but it was all extremely realistic and well-written. The book is achy in several places, and deals with some tough subjects, but Elizabeth Norris handled them all with a deft writing style that leaves the reader on the edge of their seat. I was extremely satisfied with the way Janelle and Ben's journey ended, and can easily recommend this series to pretty much everyone.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales.Quick & Dirty: A strong sequel filled with alternate universes and a heroine that’s a force to be reckoned with.Opening Sentence: Some days are so perfect, they just don’t seem real.The Review:When I met Elizabeth Norris at a signing, she had said that Unraveling was planned as a standalone. I was elated when she followed that statement that there would be a sequel. Unraveling is a sequel that I never imagined could exist. Norris has filled this story with so many wonderful elements, that it has become one of my favorite reads. Strong characters? Check. Incredible plot? Check. Imaginative world? Check. Staying up all night to finish the book because you HAVE to finish it now? Check, double check, and triple check.It has been four months since Janelle said goodbye to Ben. She has felt a void in her life, and it just hasn’t been the same. In this science fiction world, there are parallel universes. Each one with a duplicated persona, altered by varying personalities. Where Unraveling ended in resolutions, Unbreakable tore it all apart. Barclay came back to Janelle’s Earth, to ask for her aid in helping Ben. There are people missing from different worlds, and all fingers point to Ben. Janelle must travel to an unknown world, to save Ben. But the most difficult part? Having to say hello again, when it took so long to get over the goodbye.Janelle is different in Unbreakable. She became an introvert, with strong determinations. Norris made sure that you could feel Janelle’s bleak mood and dejections. Janelle became a shadow of who she was in Unraveling. She lost the people she loved the most, and she wears her emotions on her sleeve. It was heartbreaking to read the turmoil and heartaches that she felt inside. She never voiced it, and her inner thoughts spoke volumes. It was easy to connect with Janelle again. Every person has lost someone in some way or manner. Norris just used those emotions and pulled.In Unbreakable, the supporting characters were renewed. Each one had their own personality transformation. Barclay, for one, was a surprise. He became a show frontrunner, taking the reigns when necessary, but showing sympathy and vulnerability when called for. I enjoyed getting to know him a little more in Unraveling, and I think you will too. Ben surprised me in a few ways. Norris didn’t spare him from the changes. He became this hard person, trying to survive with every part of his being. I fell out of love with him in a few scenes, and I think it was needed. I had to see his flaws, for me to understand why I cared about him so much.Norris’ world in Unraveling takes us out of familiar San Diego and into a whole different universe. It was nice to see death and destruction, where every corner was the wrong side of town. The setting was as much a characters as the people were. Each place was an unknown variable that altered the outcomes that I imagined. It became this other thing that I looked forward to get to know.I enjoyed the story. It was different, but had several familiar subplot points. Some things were a little predictable, but it never took away from the enjoyment of reading Unbreakable. There are many surprises, a few heartaches, and enough swoony moments to fill your mental journal of love. The story was meaningful and well thought out. Norris may not have planned for this sequel, but it was written with zeal.I highly recommend this book. Norris brought out so many emotions from me, and at the end of the day, that’s what I love about reading.Notable Scene:I wonder if I’ve made the right decision.Barclay wanted me to go with him. I haven’t changed my mind– I still don’t understand what I can do to help. And I still don’t think that following Barclay blindly without knowing his plan is a smart thing for me to do. I’m not Ben. I can’t portal around on my own. He wouldn’t want me lost on some other world.But even knowing all that, even repeating it to myself, I can’t silence the thoughts that say: Maybe Ben needs me.Maybe I should go.FTC Advisory: Balzer + Bray/Harper Collins provided me with a copy of Unbreakable. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of All Things Urban FantasyWhereas UNRAVELING was a character driven story dealing with family heartache and the blissful agony of first love mixed up with plenty of mystery and sleuthing, UNBREAKABLE is a nonstop action adventure that downplays character for the sake of adrenaline. The sci-fi elements that were revealed at the end of debut dominate the sequel to such a degree I probably wouldn’t have thought it was the sequel to UNRAVELING if the names hadn’t been the same. Picking up four months after the end of UNRAVELING, UNBREAKABLE opens with an unrecognizable world. Janelle’s intriguing yet tragic relationship with her parents is gone, she and her brother now live in the ruins of what once was California. Supplies are low, martial law rules, and high school has been left behind for an internship with the FBI. Instead of a girl trying to solve a string of bizarre murders, she gets recruited to stop an interverse human trafficking ring and rescue Ben.Janelle was a character who leapt of the page in the debut, but in UNBREAKABLE, she feels a little less vivid. We are told that she possesses various personality traits, but I never really saw them manifested in her. Granted, she has little time to breathe between all the running, world hopping, and prison breaks, but I missed the girl from the debut.More so than Janelle’s dimmed character, the real casualty of the newly emphasized action adventure tone of this sequel is the romance that was the heart of the debut. It was a struggle to remember why Ben worth all this effort since we see very little interaction between these two for most of the book apart from a few tiny flashbacks. In fact, I had no problem getting on board with the fluttering awareness that sprang up between Janelle and Barclay as they hopped from world to world in search of Ben.I described UNRAVELING as mash up of the TV shows Veronica Mars and Roswell if they were written by Lauren Oliver. UNBREAKABLE is more like the Total Recall remake mixed with The X-Files and Julie Cross’s Tempest series. I think to enjoy this one, you really need to divorce it from the debut as they really share very little in common. Once I let go of my expectations, I found this thrill ride exciting if not as deep as I would have preferred. The ending had one big heartbreaking moment that still hurts when I think about it, and, as there are no more books planned for this series, a tidy resolution for the characters.Sexual Content:Kissing. References to rape
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In short: Unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris is a strong and riveting sequel to an intensely thrilling duology.Unraveling was a fantastically thrilling mystery with a super cool sci-fi twist, so I knew I needed to get my hands on Unbreakable, the sequel to this duology. There was some worry from me that Elizabeth Norris was not going to be able to bring the same level of intense action scenes and involved mystery that she brought in Unraveling, but in the end I needn't have worried at all: Unbreakable was just as exciting and electrifying as Unraveling. Elizabeth Norris has a true talent for crafting weighty and ambitious story lines and she handles them exceedingly well.Part of what makes Unbreakable so riveting is its breakneck pacing. Like Unraveling, Unbreakable is a chunky book, but you would never know it: super short chapters, near constant action scenes, and a race against a countdown clock ensure that you will fly through this read. I mean, GOOD GRIEF it was kind of insane how non-stop the action was. Unbreakable is the kind of book that left me with my knees hurting from how much I had been tensing them. But what I think I loved even more is that the insane and numerous action scenes were never at the expense of character growth and emotion in Unbreakable, as they are with most action-packed books.I continue to love Janelle for her independence, level-headedness, and quick thinking mind. But part of me actually feels crappy because I feel so lame in comparison. I mean, because Janelle really is pretty freaking awesome. Her endurance and perseverance in the face of all that she has had to endure, both in Unraveling and in Unbreakable, is pretty remarkable. And of course, I continue to love Ben and I continue to love Janelle and Ben together. SO MUCH FONDNESS! I was rooting for them for the entire series.If you haven't given Unraveling a try yet, I would absolutely recommend it. As I mentioned, Elizabeth Norris is an ambitious story teller with some great ideas. It's no surprise to me that Unraveling has actually been optioned as a TV show by MTV as I think it would be well suited to such a medium and would be loved by fans of Fringe and The X-Files. I'm sad to see this series end, but maybe having a TV series will help me deal with the loss.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    After falling in love with first book and with the way it ended. I need more. Much more. Once I fell into the story it was as if I never left…Alright, so the plot, it follows Janelle in a new world with lots of people going missing every minute, every day, every hour. With Janelle the only person who has connections to Ben, she is called in to help. YES! I totally loved it. I think the plot flowed well following the different parallel universes good. You don’t get lost and things are explain quite well. Not to mention that there are several plot twists that keep you on the edge of your seat.The love interest. AHHHH! So much lost, hurt, and feelings just being ignored. I think the build of the emotions and the depth of unrequited love propels the reader so much more into the story. It captivates the reader with the love you just want to see grow. And no matter how many times things don’t seem to quite work out, your rooting for them to make it through.The ending of the book was sooo sweet! Nothing like before, after the whirl-wind of emotions, I’m glad that it ended on a happy note.Unbreakable is an great sequel. An unrelented thrill-ride, Unbreakable is just what you want to read.