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Curse the Dawn
Curse the Dawn
Curse the Dawn
Audiobook14 hours

Curse the Dawn

Written by Karen Chance

Narrated by Cynthia Holloway

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Cassandra Palmer may be the all-powerful Pythia now, but that doesn't mean people have stopped trying to kill her. Most of the supernatural power players don't want independent-minded Cassie as chief clairvoyant-and they'll stop at nothing to see her six feet under.

The Vampire Senate does support Cassie in her position, but their protection comes with a price: an alliance with the sexy master vampire Mircea, who has claimed Cassie as his own.

But even the vampires will have trouble keeping Cassie alive now that the self-styled god Apollo, the source of the Pythia's power, has it in for her in a big way. To save her life-and the world-Cassie's going to have to face down her creator once and for all.
Release dateJun 30, 2010
Curse the Dawn

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Such a great series with fantastically animated characters. Highly recommend.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Pritkin fans rejoice! The fourth book in the Cassie Palmer/Pythia series focuses much more on her relationship with the obnoxious mage, John Pritkin, than the vampire Mircea. The plot also takes an interesting turn regarding the Silver Circle politics.

    A lot of loose ends are tied up at the end of this book but Karen Chance says she's planning on writing a fifth in the series--I can't wait to see what she comes up with :-)
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Cassie's powers of seeing the future come into play here, rather than just her constant skipping through time and space. She gets flashes of the future and has to put together what might happen, and in doing so learns why it can be dangerous to meddle in the past to change the future, something Agnes, the previous Pythia, tries to impress on her. Agnes and Cassie meet while Cassie is traveling through the past looking for Agnes, who is doing her Pythia thing and making sure time runs smoothly. Agnes is there in body, the same way Cassie tends to travel, and we later find out that is thought to be very dangerous and not done by "trained and proper" Pythias. Others don't know that Agnes deliberately did the same things Cassie is doing because she's untrained.

    Meanwhile, the war continues. There's a traitor in Mircea's house and someone's trying to kill not only Cassie but the Consuls, and by doing so prevent any alliance between the Vampire Senate and the Council of Mages, and also preventing Cassie from being properly recognized as Pythia. Mostly I don't care about this except for how in this book we meet the previous head of the counsel (who was forced out for his sympathetic views of Cassie) and watch Cassie join in a mutiny.

    The Mircea or Pritkin thing continues. I'm still well on the side of Pritkin (he's my type, okay?) and this book did nothing to change that and everything to make me want it more. Cassie and Pritkin get tossed into each other's bodies leading to some interesting scenes, especially the one where John-in-Cassie kisses Cassie-in-John to use his half-demon powers to aid in the healing of John's body. I also didn't hate Cassie's encountering morning wood and John's snarky yet helpful comments. I also liked Cassie telling Mircea she wants to be courted and to get to know him without the geis. I still don't like how she reacts to him, I think she's stuck in the patterns of her childhood then the geis, and Mircea's old-fashioned domineering attitude doesn't help any.

    I didn't like this one as much as the previous book but I did enjoy it and I am looking forward to more.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wow everything is crashing down, the Lay lines the Circle and the Senate, and on top of that demons attack ! Action so intense it is hard to keep up with all that is going on. Cassie and Pritkin get to know each other in a really funny way. Control is be fought for everywhere and they are the force to save them all. The story ends with us left hanging on the future for the three main characters. The story reall reminds me of the fever series, just not as well written, but worth the read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The cracks in the relationships between mages and vampires are starting to show and to be made more obvious and Cassie as Pythic is in the middle of it all. The politics could kill her.It's not a bad story in the genre, the body swapping was quite a lot of fun
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A rather surprisingly good book - I wouldn't generally see myself as the target audience for this type of books (I'm male for starters :-)).Cassie Palmer is on the run from her lover, the Silver Circle , and the Being formerly known as Apollo. Her lover's the local vampires' chief negotiator, the Silver Circle's a group of very antsy Mages dedicated to making sure that Apollo and the rest of his pantheon don't make an unwanted return to this Plane. She's also the Pythia, supposedly dedicated to the Silver Circle's aims but having fallen out with the Circle over her choice of lover, she's desperately short of any sort of ally, never mind any that could keep her safe from the storm that's about to break over Vegas...
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I think this has been my favorite novel in the Cassie Palmer series so far. There are admittedly times that I feel like some of the battles, time shifts, etc., are becoming repetitive, and I do occasionally get tired of Cassie's whining about not having any training, but I still enjoy all the mayhem she causes. This time, she's still dodging all of the various enemies out to kill her, but she does manage to form some alliances. This novel is a lot more political than the others, with factions within the various groups fighting over control. Cassie also finds out a bit more about her father. Will larger problems (of god-like proportions!) help them come together to keep them all from being destroyed? Will Cassie survive intact? Will she ever quite whining about the attention Mercea lavishes on her? (Really? You're complaining? We all should have such problems!) And more importantly, how many more perfectly good outfits will she ruin? This was probably the funniest book in the series so far. There were some parts where either the dialogue or situation was so hilarious that I found myself literally laughing out loud. There are also what I think are teasers for Chance's other series, the Dorina Basarab series, although I don't know that for certain at this point (but will soon find out when I read them).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If books #2 and #3 had been rolled into one, and CURSE THE DAWN were #3 in the Cassandra Palmer series, the whole thing would be perfect...I really struggled with #2 and #3, because Cassandra's silly antics weren't balanced out by real progress and plot progression. But this book, CURSE THE DAWN, solved that problem and got me back in the groove of the series.

    Yes, the pace is frantic, and yes, Cassie keeps running from one disaster to the next with hardly a moment to catch her breath...but she's not spinning wheels here. The book leads up to a big showdown with Apollo...which actually happens. It won't drag through to the next book, we don't find out that before Cassie can face Apollo she needs to run a lengthy errand, fetch a magical artifact, or anything else that will take 500 pages and another installment in the series. No, her battle with Apollo is at the top of her list and Cassie can check it off before we close the book with a happy sigh and wonder what happens next.

    We get lots of opportunity to compare and contrast Mircea and Pritkin in this novel, too. Mircea's high-handedness, his ability to seamlessly combine a protective instinct with opportunistic political manipulation, is front and center - but we also get flashes of deep feeling from him, a hidden well of real emotion that shines through when Cassie is in jeopardy. Pritkin is more up-front about everything, and as he does battle with other war mages and forges some alliances, too, we get a chance to hear him describe how he feels about Cassie.

    Plus, we get plenty of Karen Chance's trademark humor - the big gag in this book has Cassie and Pritkin switching bodies, which leads to many, many hilarious interludes. And we really need the gags in this book, because without them it would be pretty dark. A few pretty major events take place that will change the progress of the series - and I'm looking forward to the next volume, to find out what happens.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Verging on chaotic, once more you are launched into the crazy plot as the war mages step up the assasination attempts and Appollo lurks in the background. I really do enjoy the action, its screamingly fast paced and interesting. I love Pritkin and Mircea but I am back to wanting to strangle Cassie as once again she fails to make a single sensible decision until the very climax. Even if by her own admission she is not the sharpest crayon in the box, it is so frustrating to have her be so clueless. I understand that she has no training and she is human and its been about two weeks over the course of four books and I do like her but I really want her to step up a bit more.Fingers crossed for book 5
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The series so far has been likable and I found myself enjoying it, even if the pace was like running through the bushes at 100mph without pushing any of those low hanging branches aside.Still I found myself hoping the main vampire, Mircea, would truly bite the dust and that Casandra would grow up a little and stop whining and complaining. For a heroine of an Urban fantasy, I was surprised by all her complaining through out the series (there is a great deal) and found myself rolling my eyes a lot.I think some of the major players need a bit more character development and feel a little two dimensional to me. If I remember correctly the whole deal was so she could find her father, but then that plot line fell flat and was never mentioned again as though the author simply forgot about it. I'm hoping in the next book it is revisited along with the possible Cassandra/Pritkin relationship.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The story-telling quality is quite compelling. The characters stay with you long after you've finished reading the book. Characters which readers can connect with. Like all Cassandra Palmer books, this one is also fast-paced and action-filled. I think the author has refined her writing skills because there is a definite improvement. No more of that annoying tendencies to paint the protagonist stupid just to add a bit more drama to the scene which I find irritating to read in a book. Another thing I really like about this book is the fine sense of humor in the telling of the story. Christ, it had me in stitches!! Ms. Chance was firing on all cylinders when she was working on this book! Over all I gave this book a 5 out of 5. Curse The Dawn has restored my love for this series which I lost after reading Claimed By Shadow (Book 2). I was so disappointed by book 2 that I stopped reading and buying Karen Chance altogether. But Tesco had a sale about three weeks ago and I ended up buying six books. Before reading this book, I would never pay £6.99 (which is the usual RRP) for Karen Chance's books. But now I would buy again.Overall rating = 5 out of 5
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I like this series. I really do. But I really, really wish that the plots in each separate book would have a better, more polished structure. The plot in this book, much like the other three in the series, rushes headlong from the first page until the last with very little in the way of downtime. You’ve got to give your reader breaks! They need to relax for a minute and assimilate everything that you’ve thrown at them. This book was pretty exciting, but at the same time, I needed more tension breakers. Chance leaps from fight scene to fight scene, to the point where I was wondering how the hell Cassie hadn’t collapsed of exhaustion. There are references to her being wiped out and hungry, which is a good acknowledgment of the overly-fast pace, but still. Every book is like this. The plot needs to be paced out better.I’m also getting frustrated with Cassie’s complete and utter lack of common sense or self-preservation. I know, I know, the plot wouldn’t do anywhere if she didn’t do stupid shit all the time, but for heaven’s sake. I’d like for her to show a little bit more intelligence than she does. She leaps right into stupid situations so often that I want to slap her.And this book needed more Mircea. I keep hanging on for more of him, but he always seems to make brief appearances and then skitter off into the background. More Mircea! And a better plot structure!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Two Minute Review for “Curse the Dawn” by Karen ChanceCassie Palmer comes back in her third book with way to many enemies and too few friends. She is Pythia, the only power that hold back Apollo from devastating the world. Fortunately, her friends are very stubborn and talented people. Pritkin the half demon/mage is her constant companion. Mircea, the Vampire Senate leader, would like to chain her to a couch or a bed to keep her safe. Luckily for us, Cassie will have none of that!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This series has been pretty uneven for me since the first book, "Touch the Dark". That book was very good and sucked me in, but books 2 and 3 were just blah. This one didn't start out well. Another Amazon customer described the series as "lots of running from one disaster to the next, not a lot of thinking and planning" (mlle.x). The damsel in distress routine is really old, and everyone treats Cassie like a rebellious teenager. Chance's character development is good - most, even supporting characters, are believable and three-dimensional. Except Cassie was not a strong protagonist. In the first book of a series, I can understand a hero/heroine being immature or naïve. However, by the fourth book the protagonist needs to have grown and developed - Cassie did not. Also, Mircea and Cassie as a couple hasn't been working because Mircea sees her as a child that should obey him, and she constantly acts like one rebelling against daddy. Case in point: Mircea takes her on his jet and magically handcuffs her inside to keep her out of danger. She promptly "shifts" back to the hotel (attached to a sofa) only to be greeted by the "babysitters" he left there. For too long Cassie has not been the heroine - she's been a pawn. However, the second half of the book completely redeemed the series for me. Cassie FINALLY started to grow and learn. She accepts her responsibility; she understands that she doesn't know as much about vampires and mages as she needs to, and she finally stands up to them all as The Pythia. Additionally, Pritkin also evolves - finally seeing things from her point of view when they switch bodies. Now, this gag has been used countless times in tv and books, and while it went on a bit too long here, it actually affected character development and the plot. And yes, it is downright hilarious at times when Cassie is confronted with the "joy" of being male! Conspiracies are revealed, questions are answered and instead of just rushing into disaster - the final battles have some strategy and are downright exciting. I finished this book with a strong sense of satisfaction that I haven't felt since book one. Plus, the new development of a possible love triangle for Cassie was surprisingly appealing. The first half was only 3 stars, but the second half was definitely 5. I gave it that extra half star because the conclusion was so good. Overall, I'm excited to read the next installment and, I don't think the next book will sit on the shelf like this one did. I want to know what happens! Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    2.5 stars. Lots of action - too much - it made the entire book frantic & details magically appeared as needed because there was no time for setup. Odd coming from me, but this would have been better as two books or maybe even three. Served up in one, it was just too far over the top. Lots of good ideas & an interesting world (would I be reading book 4 if it wasn't?) I'm sure there is a book 5 coming out. There is no resolution to the main story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good series
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Typical continuation of the story of Cassie. Not much character development beyond what we already knew. And while it 'closes a chapter' on the previous book, it mostly sets up clues to new plots that will likely be themes in upcoming books. Still, a good quick read and pass along book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    For a long time I thought this would be a five star book - the action is engaging, suitably fast, there's a nice balance between combat, intrigue, chase scenes and burgeoning romance scenes (that avoid spilling into the erotic somehow). Although there's definitely elements of things coming from all sides, each of the things that happens has been set up in the earlier books. It might appear a mess if you jump in with this book, but it was pretty much a set of disasters waiting to happen, and happen they duly did.So what lets it down? The end. The big bad gets a reveal and then there's frantic plot-filling to try and make you accept what's going on when really it reads more like an "OMG, WTF can I do to give a climactic ending after all this? Oh, I know..." and consequently it ends up rather anti-climactic instead because the confrontation I was led to expect isn't there, and the confrontation we get has no real build-up.Despite that, it's fun, and there are some hooks for future books that I will buy eagerly.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Book 4 of the Cassandra Palmer series.Cassie, Pythia and number 1 on the hit list for mage and god alike, has to survive Mircea's protection, a body swap and ley line racing with a mage coup in the offering. Then there's Pritkin, the demise of MAGIC and a mysterious woman in a photo album.All the novels in this series have been non-stop action and I have enjoyed reading them. While Cassie appears (to quote Sal) "Dumb as a rock, isn't she?" she always manages to come up with the goods in the end. Will eagerly await the next instalment.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The best book in this series. Its funny to see how Mircea tries to protect Cassie at all costs, even chain her to a couch with magical handcuffs.She cares about firends and does all in her might to help them. She even gets hot and heavy with Pitkrin, just to save his live.There's very much action also. But the funniest is, when she is in the body of Pitkrin. Read for yourself.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was never a big fan of Mircea and this book is mainly about him and Cassie so you can say it’s not my favorite. The plot was not the strongest, specially compared to past books, and bottom line I really wanted more interaction with Pritkin! I also felt that Cassie lost some of her character in between the whole Mircea thing. Come on can you see Cassie following anyone's demands? And how many times can you stretch the magical hand cuffs?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really like the Cassandra Palmer series. They are light, fun reads. They have a lot of magical action, sexual tension and political intrigue. What more could I want?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Unfortunately the cover is the only remarkable feature of this book. In a nut shell, it has no plot and the whole book consists merely of fillers, unbelievably silly and often irrelevant dialogues, lot of brand names and references to various books, movies and so called celebrities that the author assumes her readers know.I guess this is the beginning of the end!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The best book yet in this series! Chance does an excellent job weaving vampire / mage politics and action. Cassie is still trying to figure out how to be Pythia in the middle of the war between the Black Circle and the "good guys". With so many out to get her - the Black Circle, the Silver Circle, and Apollo, finding allies becomes key to staying alive. Along the way, we learn some devastating information about her family and see a bit more development in the relationship between her and Mircea, post-geas. Chance does an excellent job highlighting all of the grays that exist in Cassie's world. The vampires are the good guys, in a sense, despite their self-serving ways as they at least aren't bent on subjugating all humanity (as Apollo is). The Silver Circle is just as self-serving, with their desire to have total control over the Pythia and their infighting (more of which we see in this book). Again, though, they are fighting against Apollo and the Black Circle. Ultimately, this is a fight between Gray Hats (with different hues and pulling in different directions) and Black Hats, with Cassie trying desperately to get enough Gray Hats to pull in the same direction.Even better than the first three books, I just wish there had been more Pritkin as he is my favorite character. But all in all the book was well-balanced between Pritkin, Mircea, politics, and action.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another great read from Karen Chance. This series contines Cassandra Palmers journey of discovering what is expected as the new Pythia. With a lack of allies Cassie, Mircea, and Pritkin are constantly on the run. Cassie must question her relationship with a Vampire that she seems to know nothing of, and question whether he is really after her or her new position.