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Beneath the Surface: A Teen's Guide to Reaching Out When You or Your Friend Is in Crisis
Beneath the Surface: A Teen's Guide to Reaching Out When You or Your Friend Is in Crisis
Beneath the Surface: A Teen's Guide to Reaching Out When You or Your Friend Is in Crisis
Audiobook3 hours

Beneath the Surface: A Teen's Guide to Reaching Out When You or Your Friend Is in Crisis

Written by Kristi Hugstad and Nancy Guerra

Narrated by Teri Schnaubelt

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About this audiobook


Depression and mental illness don't discriminate. Even in the most picture-perfect life, confusion and turmoil are often lurking beneath the surface. For a teenager in a world where anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses are commonplace, life can sometimes feel impossible. Whether or not you or someone you love is suffering from any of these issues, it's important to be able to recognize the warning signs of mental illness and know where to turn for help. This comprehensive guide provides the information, encouragement, and tactical guidance you need to help yourself or others experiencing: depression, academic or parental pressures, eating disorders, bullying, self-harm, PTSD, peer pressure, anxiety, substance abuse, technology addiction, and suicidal thoughts or actions.
Release dateSep 10, 2019
Beneath the Surface: A Teen's Guide to Reaching Out When You or Your Friend Is in Crisis

Kristi Hugstad

Kristi Hugstad, author of Beneath the Surface, is a certified grief recovery specialist, speaker, credentialed health educator, and grief and loss facilitator for recovering addicts. She frequently speaks at high schools and is the host of The Grief Girl podcast and talk radio show. She lives in Orange County, California.

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