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Grave Visions
Grave Visions
Grave Visions
Audiobook10 hours

Grave Visions

Written by Kalayna Price

Narrated by Emily Durante

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

If you want to hear voices from the dead in Nekros City, you call Alex Craft. She's a grave witch with reasonable rates and extraordinary powers who specializes in revealing the secrets of the dead. But she has her own secrets. She's not human, and her newly discovered heritage is causing havoc for her both in the human realm and in Faerie.

Fae can't survive without a tie to Faerie, and now that Alex's true nature has awoken, she's no exception. She must align herself to a court and soon. To retain as much freedom as possible, she makes a deal to track the source of a new glamour-infused street drug which causes hallucinations that kill-and not just the user. Alex's investigation entangles her in a conflict brewing in Faerie, and she must find answers before she's dragged so deep that she loses not only her freedom but her life.
Release dateFeb 2, 2016
Grave Visions

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The mystery was a bit too obvious and easy to figure out with this one, so I was disappointed at the big reveal. Still interesting story and fun to get back to these characters.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Alex Craft is back. Her fae heritage is causing problems. If she doesn't swear to a court or gain independent status, she will fade away taking those sworn to her with her. She makes a deal with the Winter Queen to track down the being making a new drug called Glitter which is killing humans and which is being supplied by someone in her court. Alex's investigation uncovers something not right in the Winter court which she needs to fix or the queen who promised her independence won't be alive to grant it. She is being assisted by the Queen's Knight Falin when he isn't being called away to fight off challenges to the Queen. Alex and Falin have a difficult relationship because she can't trust him. His first loyalty will always be to the Queen.Alex has a number of other complicated relationships too. Her boyfriend is Death, a soul collector, who has been forbidden to be with her. She has known him since childhood but still knows almost nothing about him. Then there is the almost fiance that her father wants her to marry enough that he betrothed her to him when she was a child. The Winter Queen wants Alex to swear allegiance to her court and marry her nephew to try to get her and her unique ability under the Queen's control.This story was entertaining and engaging. I like Alex and sympathized with her as she was being pulled in so many directions. I can't wait for the next episode in this great series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    After an insanely long delay, the fourth Alex Craft was released last month and as I've had it on pre-order for 3 years I wanted to finally read it, but was more than a little worried it would be a flop because 3 years is a long time to stall on a story. But I needn't have worried. It wasn't the best book in the series, but it was a good solid story about Alex, a grave witch who can raise shades (pure memories - not ghosts). She's got a whole mess of problems that culminate in this book and a sort of ongoing love triangle (it isn't, but it's complicated). This is definitely a series you want to start at the beginning with, because constant references are made in all the books to previous stories and character development (especially amongst her best friends). I knocked off 1/2 star because the mystery in this book was bleedingly obvious from the first; the author was just too heavy-handed with her clues. But the mystery isn't why I read these - I like the friendships, and I like Death (the character, not the process). The fae... eh. There's apparently a book 5 planned for next year and I'll definitely read it. But I don't think I'm gonna pre-order...
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It has been a REALLY long time since book three, GRAVE MEMORY, came out (four years to be exact). I was worried that I would be totally lost when I jumped into GRAVE VISIONS because of the length of time, but besides a few things that had me searching my memory a little harder than normal I had no trouble jumping right back into the storyline.Alex has always been kept on her toes and GRAVE VISIONS is no different. I was exhausted reading about how exhausting her hectic life is at the moment. Surprisingly only two weeks have passed in Alex's life since the end of GRAVE MEMORY and things are still raw in her mind. A surprise call from someone at the police station brings her into a case that ends up connecting to a problem that is affecting the Winter court and she is getting pressure to solve the case on both sides. Not only that, but the fact that she hasn't yet aligned herself with a court is causing her and those tied to her to fade away. She is racing against the clock in many ways and it was truly a great ride.After GRAVE VISIONS I am no longer into Alex's relationship with Death. He no longer seems to fit into Alex's life and I just didn't feel the spark that was present in previous books. Falin on the other hand.... I know Alex can't fully trust him and that's a problem, I just feel like they are a great team. If Falin could get out from under the Winter Queen's hand, I think they could have a really great shot. I don't see that happening though. Isn't it amazing how going in with four years between books makes you change your mind? I'm not sure if I would feel differently if I had re-read the previous books before reading GRAVE VISIONS. On another note, Alex sure is getting quite popular with the guys. Everyone seems to want a piece of her and I am really loving her reactions. So, I really enjoyed GRAVE VISIONS. It was everything I was hoping for, but I am hesitant to get too excited for the future. I see that book six has been added to Goodreads, but so far there isn't a title or a release date. Will it come out before another four years passes? I sure hope so. * This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.