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Last Breath
Last Breath
Last Breath
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Last Breath

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Regan: I never really knew what misery was until the day I was kidnapped and sold for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Two months later, I'm at a brothel in Rio when I meet Daniel Hays. He says he's here to save me, but can I trust him? He's the only safe thing in my world, and I know it's wrong to fall in love with him, but I can't seem to help myself.

Daniel: For the last eighteen months, one goal has dictated every action I've taken. I've left the Army, turned paid hit man, and befriended criminals all across the globe to find my kidnapped sister. In every brothel I raid and every human trafficking truck I stop, I hope the next face I find is my sister's. In a hidden brothel in Rio, I find Regan Porter. I should leave her behind or send her home, because the last thing either of us needs right now is to get involved. But with every passing minute, I find I'm less able to let her go.

Contains mature themes.
Release dateApr 7, 2015
Last Breath

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good mystery. Creepy serial killer chases child, no one believes her. She grows up to chase criminals. Pretty cliche but a good read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Last Breath by Michael Prescott has a good premise (the boogeyman appears to a small girl, and she battles fear all her life), and the characters have a lot of potential. However, the plot hinged on coincidences and didn't seem plausible to me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I can always count on Rachel Caine to deliver and she did so again in Last Breath. I enjoyed the story and I like the characters. It felt a little rushed, but not bad. The worst part was that the ending wasn't complete. At least it didn't feel so to me.

    I recommend this if you enjoy Ms. Caine's writing and/or 'vampire' novels. I generally stick to Adult series, but I began branching out a few months ago. I've found a few great series and Morganville Vampires is one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I wanted to read Last Breath because I am addicted to this series, and if you've been following my blog for any time, you'll have noticed my previous love fest reviews for this series. I love the characters, the plot and how something new always comes up and it shapes and develops both Claire the main character but the awesome and fully fleshed out secondary characters. Any time I have a moment in my reading schedule, I have been picking these up. This one had more focus in the beginning on Eve and Michael and the bomb they dropped last book. There has been a lot of backlash and while I so want them to be happy, I can understand some concern and big issues that I just hope they haven't overlooked. Last Breath also gives us the perspectives from Amelie, Michael and Shane, though it was mostly from Claire's point of view. But the additional pov def added to the story. There is an event that we really can't get the full picture of what was going on, and another where emotions of others were so critical that without being in their heads, would have taken away that extra element. There were two, well three events that went down that I never thought I would see because I had my own little view of Morganville and thought that I knew the rules that wouldn't change and people that I could trust. There is a whole new threat in this one, and some of the implications weren't fully played out in this one, and I am so nervous which way it will ultimately go in the next one. The plot and adventure was great, we had some steamy moments with Claire and Shane and got to see a whole new level to their relationship. Bottom Line: Another great installment, Rachel Caine never ceases to surprise me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow!! After 10 books you wonder how Rachel Caine can keep things fresh and exciting but she never fails with this series! A must read :)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I admit I was worried that this series had started to run out of steam after reading the tenth installment, Bite Club, but I’m happy to say that the latest Morganville book put my mind at ease. Last Breath offers lots of surprises, reveals, action and emotion that make it one of the most satisfying of the series so far. Literally no one is safe this time from Morganville’s latest threat where the twists just keep coming. I couldn’t have predicted any of the events that occurred this time around, and I love that Rachel Caine is taking so many exciting risks with her characters and providing such a juicy storyline this late in the series.

    This time around in Morganville there’s a new threat that even has the vampires scared. Vampires are disappearing left and right and Amelie fears that the dreaded enemy that has hunted them for years has finally found them. It’s interesting to learn about this new threat and what makes it so powerful and lethal to everyone in Morganville. Claire, Shane, Eve and Michael are facing a huge challenge, and I was holding my breath to see how they would come out of it. Through multiple narrations of Claire, Michael, Eve, Shane and Amelie, we get more character reveals that give a new insight into our favorite Morganvillian’s. There is also plenty of Myrnin as well and he plays a key role in this book.

    The characters go on quite a journey this time around. And the relationships they have built with each other and the other members of Morganville really make the events that occur that much more touching and meaningful. There is just the right amount of time spent with each character to move the story along and keep things interesting. The beginning of the book really threw me off track with how I expected the story to go, and the action just kept ramping up. There are plenty of emotional and romantic scenes though that balance out the drama and suspense. In fact, some of the biggest insights and vulnerabilities of the characters are revealed this time around.

    This is the third installment I’ve read via audiobook, and I think this is now my favorite way to experience this series. The narrator, Cynthia Holloway, does an expert job with the characters. From Myrnin to Amelie, Claire to Shane, all of the character voices are distinct and believable. They match up very well to the character voices in my head, and the narration conveys the appropriate amount of emotion and intensity. I don’t think I can go back to the printed version of the series.

    I eagerly await the next installment, Black Dawn. There will be fifteen books in the series in total, and after this game-changing book I can’t wait to see where Caine takes the story next. Black Dawn is due out in May 2012.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is another book I've decided to get off my tbr pile. One main reason is that i have been following this series for so long, I needed to read it.This book completely took my by surprise. Once I started this series, I was so used to problems arising in Morganville and my fave team of Claire, Michael, Eve and Shane go to the rescue. Not in this book. Oh, don't get me wrong, they go to the rescue, but there are some major turn of events going on that literally had me gasping!The plot line of the book starts off with a slow build, leading to a giant explosion. I loved it. For once, instead of danger being on just the vampires, it's become a danger to the humans too. I loved that Ms. Caine wrote such a explosive plot line that left me sad, angry then much to my surprise happy. The plot never wavered from it's intensity, instead continued to combust over and over again! I just kept freaking out with each turn of the page that I could not will myself to stop.The love interest in the book wavers some. I enjoyed the tension of both couples facing hard times yet getting through it together with love and support. The reader can feel the emotions of love and the joy of friendship they have with each other.Last Breath takes the carpet out from under you. The clear description of the narrative makes the reader feel as if they are in Morganville. The strength of the characters with a dynamic plot leaves the reader eager, racing to the end of the book. With an explosive ending, Last Breath stakes are rising high.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I always crack open the next Morganville book knowing that I will love it before I read a single word. Rachel Caine is a writer I can depend on. In this book, she takes the concept that she used in the previous book of sharing the P.O.V. with another character and multiplies it. In other words, while Claire still gets the most narration, the reader also gets to read a bit of narration by Amelie, Shane, Michael, and Eve. Shane's thought process is familiar from the previous book, and Eve's reminds me of her diary entries from the early books in the series. Michael's are interesting because I got to see some of the darkness that he struggles with on a daily basis, while trying to hide it from the other members of the Glass House. I enjoy Amelie's P.O.V. the most because she obviously has the most secrets and history to reveal. Caine could easily make Amelie the main character of a prequel series about the founding of Morganville (how I wish!).Claire is in top form as usual, as she has the unique -- and unexplained -- ability to see Magnus before anyone else, or before Magnus even wants to be seen. Magnus is quite the horror-movie creature, the draug, whom even the local vamps fear. Reading the detailed descriptions of what he can do with water gives me goosebumps. As for how Magnus retaliates against Claire, I simply refused to believe that Claire's state was permanent -- she is simply too essential to the series. Now I am wondering, though, how the series would fare if Claire went vamp -- but that's all up to Rachel Caine.The one thing I really disliked, of course, was how the book ended -- the first cliff-hanger of the series. There was just way too big of a loose end hanging to leave me feeling satisfied. The rest of the book was still fabulous, though, and I can't wait for Black Dawn to hit the shelves.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    See More with Full, non-spoiler review courtesy at Book & Movie Dimension a BlogAs always, Last Breath, of all the other Morganville Vampire books begin with how things in Morganville are ruled by vampires and how things go if your to be a resident. If you are to be a resident then you'll definitely be at the mercy of all the vampires.I'm a deep lover of The Morganville Vampires and of course of Rachel Caine, so I was looking forward to this one so much. Once I started it there was the added information that Michael and Eve are going to soon get married and while to them its something to look forward to, they aren't prepared to be met by resistance coming from the town because a vampire and human should just not be. Overall: Good readGenre: Young Adult, Vampires, Romance, Mythical Creatures, Urban Fantasy Recommend Ages: 16 and Up
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have been a longtime fan of the Morganville Vampires series. The last book was a bit of a disappointment to me, so I went into this one with a lot of apprehension. This is a super long series and I was starting to wonder if Rachel Caine still had it. Boy, did she show me in Last Breath. This was one action packed installment that held my rapt attention! In this book many questions that I had and aspects I wanted Ms. Caine to bring up FINALLY happened!Let's start with the characters. Claire and Myrnin were once again the stars of the show for me. Claire as always is a mix of fearless heroine and dependent teenage girl. I have nothing against her dependency (especially in Shane) that I would normally hate in other characters. In Claire's instance she has no one but her friends in a town that she can't escape. Caine shows this dependency through Claire's compassion and insecurities in a completely believable way. Onto Myrnin! Myrnin is my favorite character, even more so than Claire. (I thought I would be honest) Everything he says or does holds my attention. In a weird way, his eccentricities are actually quite sane and insightful. I particularly enjoyed him in Last Breath because insight into the way he views Claire is given. The one character throughout the whole series that I just can't seem to like is... Shane. Last Breath didn't help his case in my opinion. Shane just seems like a self indulgent, self centered violent ass. ( I might be a little biased as I'm Team Myrnin or Team Anyone But Shane) As for Eve and Michael they are completely wrapped up in each other as usual with their impending nuptials. The "Big Bad" in this book was particularly interesting and Rachel Caine's interpretation of this mythical creature was completely original and entertaining. The whole book just renewed my faith in this series. There were various different point of views in this book including Shane, Eve, Michael, and Amalie that I thought were necessary and very interesting. Of all of the Morganville books this one is my favorite. I laughed, said nuh-uh a thousand times, and cried.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    More refreshing than past few books in the series - more action, drama, and better storyline! Definitely will be reading the next book, Black Dawn!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Blazed through this one. This series has not slowed down one bit.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is my favorite Morganville book to date, no doubt about it. I can't even begin to explain how refreshing it is for me to read a book in a series that is so far along and still be impressed and shocked by it. Rachel Caine has truly stepped up her game here. She has come up with a plot twist so unique that it has the town of Morganville completely turned around and twisted from inside out. She made some shocking plot twists that I never would have seen coming. It always impresses me when an author is willing to do something controversial and daring with one of her most important characters. Caine does that here. And I am left with a lot of questions. Will there be effects from the author's big decision here? What exactly is the extent of the big surprise? Is it over and done with or will there still be shocks and changes to come? All of that just deals with one character. And "Last Breath" is about so very much more. Characters we thought we knew (um, Amelie) are making harsh decisions that will effect the residents (living and undead) in a dire way.I fear giving away too much about this book. I knew nothing except that it was the newest Morganville book. That fact alone made the book an automatically pre-order. However, I loved every page of "Last Breath". It starts innocently enough with Michael and Eve planning their big wedding. We get quite a few revelations in that department that had me an emotional roller coaster. As much as I love Claire and Shane, I adore Eve and Michael. The the big things start unfolding with the new threat to the town and I knew that this book was something special.I want to add a couple things. Firstly, the previous book "Bite Club" was my least favorite Morganville book. It wasn't bad by any means but I was left wondering if maybe the series was heading down a different path. All my fears were put at rest with the new book. "Bite Club" was like the calm before the storm. I am truly thrilled that Rachel Caine has recently announced the contract for several more Morganville books...I believe it will bring the series up to fifteen novels in total. I also want to state that I adore Mernin and there is a lot of him in "Last Breath". In fact everyone we know and love shows up in this book. The viewpoints switch from Claire to a few other characters. I don't know that I am a huge fan of this technique but that was the only way to show everything we needed to see in "Last Breath".I can't recommend "Last Breath" or this series as a whole any more than I do. This is a must read series. If you are a fan, don't wait to read this one. If you haven't started the series yet, don't wait a second longer. Buy "Glass Houses" right away and dig in.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Rachel Caine is an evil, wicked author for what’s she has done to her characters—and by extension her readers—in LAST BREATH, the eleventh book in her crazy fun Morganville Vampire series. Not since GLASS HOUSES—which ended with with the decapitation of a main character—have I been as shocked by a book in this series…and yes, that means someone else very important dies. I am continually amazed at how after so many books, the stories about Claire, Shane, Eve, Michael, and Morganville still feel fresh and exciting. What’s more impressive is that the stakes—pardon the pun—escalate with each book too. How Rachel Caine manages to top herself with each book, I’ll never know, but the reader in me is just thrilled that she does. Vampire politics have become an increasingly pivotal plot point in the series overall, but like in previous books, there is a very personal storyline in LAST BREATH too, involving Michael and Eve’s impending nuptials. Not to mention the ever volatile relationship between Claire and Shane, who actually didn’t make me hate him even once this time. That’s a new record. There were also some very difficult realizations that Claire had to make about a different relationship. I am extremely excited about what this could mean for the future of the series. As in the previous Morganville book, LAST BREATH isn’t told exclusively from Claire’s perspective. We get chapters from Shane, Eve, Michael, and even Amelie, the last of which was a little odd. I think I prefer her as the mysterious and aloof Founder rather than knowing her thoughts. But these new perspectives did provide TONS of answers about Morganville and it’s citizens, so I’m not complaining. I can only hope that we get a chapter from Myrnin next time. And there will be a next time. Rachel is under contract for at least three more books in The Morganville Vampires series. Up next is BLACK DAWN, which will be published in May 2012, and after the end of LAST BREATH…the series may never be the same. Sexual Content: Kissing. References to sex.