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How Should Christians Vote?
How Should Christians Vote?
How Should Christians Vote?
Audiobook2 hours

How Should Christians Vote?

Written by Tony Evans

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Christians are a large and influential voting block today. But as each governmental election approaches, an increasing polarity occurs within those claiming the Christian faith. This comes as a result of party-voting rather than voting according to Biblical mandates and authority. To refocus correctly, Dr. Tony Evans goes back to the basics and teaches on how God established government as a divine institution whose tasks include promoting the well-being of those within its realm and protection from evil. Scripture trumps all political alliances making the voting decision a critical opportunity for Christians to promote God's Word and His values through whom they elect. In the face of increasing emotions the Christians representing God's kingdom values should communicate His truths in a manner reflective of the King - in a gracious and strategic way. Dr. Evans also looks at the necessary qualities in a good candidate which include intellect, education, competency, skill and spiritual beliefs - whether certain issues are non-negotiables, and how a responsible citizen is to research a candidates' position in order to evaluate it against God's Word.
Release dateMay 1, 2012

Tony Evans

Dr. Tony Evans is one of the most respected pastors in America. The first African American to graduate with a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship. Dr. Evans is also president of the Urban Alternative, a ministry that promotes spiritual renewal in America through the church. The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans is broadcast daily on radio and TV all over the world. Learn more at

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Rated: ADr. Evans makes a strong case that we are not on the Democrat's team or the Republican team. We are on God's team and need to vote in a way that honors Him. Character counts.>Many people want "God bless America" today. They just don't want "One nation under God.">We want God to sign off on our decisions rather than us following His.>The captain of the host of the Lord made it clear that he hadn't come to take sides. He had come to take over.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    There is a certain strand of politicized Christianity running through the church, and while it has lessened in the last decade or so, it is still pervasive and problematic. It actually comes from two sides -- Dispensationalism on the Right, and Emergent on the Left. Evans is a case of the former, and this book is a really bad example of what a problem Dispensationalism creates when trying to accurately interpret the Bible.That problem is when the text is disconnected from what it actually means and attached to whatever goal the reader is trying to achieve (in this case, a political result). The Scriptures in this book is a wax nose to be twisted into whatever shape it needs to be to make it seem like God's Word is with Evans.In some cases it's the fear of Dispensational eschatology that causes Evans to interpret things the way he does. He believes that the anti-Christ is centralized government, and that fear causes him to label any centralized government as idolatrous (chapter 2). One wonders what he thought of David's centralized reign.In other times he is just desperate to make his own preferences a matter of theology. He likes division of power in the government. Me too. But in chapter 1, he states that the nature of the Trinity requires division of power in secular governments. Really?Or when he claims God divinely ordained the Republic form of government to be the right one in Exodus.These are goofy, but the saddest part of this book is the conclusion he comes to -- which is to follow your conscience in voting alone, and that we should not tell others that their vote is wrong. He does say that abortion is wrong (thankfully), but he allows for people to vote for abortion if their consciences tell them to.One of the jobs of a pastor is to guide his congregation in righteousness. To fail to make it clear in a book about Christian voting that voting for abortion is an outright sin and must be condemned is a horrible failing.In short, Evans takes things that are not commanded in Scripture (form of government, etc) and says that God has commanded these things, but then he takes something that is commanded in Scripture (that we mustn't murder) and refuses to affirm them.