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When Can You Trust the Experts?: How to Tell Good Science from Bad in Education
When Can You Trust the Experts?: How to Tell Good Science from Bad in Education
When Can You Trust the Experts?: How to Tell Good Science from Bad in Education
Audiobook6 hours

When Can You Trust the Experts?: How to Tell Good Science from Bad in Education

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Each year, teachers, administrators, and parents face a barrage of new education software, games, workbooks, and professional development programs purporting to be based on the latest research. While some of these products are indeed based on solid science, the truth is that the research underlying many others is grossly exaggerated. How can everyday teachers, administrators, and family memberswho dont have years of statistics courses under their beltsseparate the wheat from the chaff and determine which new piece of research is worth adopting? When Can You Trust the Experts? solves this knowledge gap for educators and parents by stressing clear, easy principles that differentiate reliable research from junk science.   ** CONTENTS ** Introduction: What Are You To Believe? PART ONE: WHY WE SO EASILY BELIEVE BAD SCIENCE 1          Why Smart People Believe Dumb Things 2          Science and Belief: A Nervous Romance 3          What Scientists Call Good Science 4          How to Use Science PART TWO: THE SHORT CUT SOLUTION: FOUR STEPS TO EVALUATING NEW SCIENCE 5          Step One: Strip It and Flip It 6          Step Two: Trace It 7          Step Three: Analyze It 8          Step Four: Should I Do It?
Release dateJul 20, 2020

Daniel T. Willingham

Dan Willingham received his PhD from Harvard University in cognitive psychology and is now a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia. He is the author of several books, including Outsmart Your Brain and Raising Kids Who Read. A fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science, you can follow him on Twitter @DTWillingham.

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